[jboss-user] [JBoss AOP] - pointcut other than execution in AdviceBinding

shu_boston do-not-reply at jboss.com
Fri Dec 28 00:41:17 EST 2007


I'm start learning JBoss AOP, especially dynamic AOP.
As an example says, I wrote code as follows and it worked fine. GreetingInterceptor is called when any method in Test class is executed.

AdviceBinding binding = new AdviceBinding( "binding1", "execution(* *.Test->*(..))", null );
  | binding.addInterceptor(GreetingInterceptor.class);
  | AspectManager.instance().addBinding(binding);

Then, I changed the second parameter of the AdviceBinding's constructor as follows, and it doesn't work. I mean, a corresponding advice is not executed.

"execution(* *.Test->*(..)) AND within(*.Test)"

Also, when I use "call" instead of "execution" in the definition of a pointcut, the code does not work as well.

Dynamic AOP does not support pointcuts other than "execution"? or anything wrong?


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