[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: A sample with HibernateLongInstance or HibernateStringI

doballve do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Feb 1 08:32:29 EST 2007

Just to give it code example, here is how you would do for a HibernateLongInstance:

First, You have a hibernate entity with id of type Long and a hibernate mapping to your class properly loaded in the same session as JBPM mappings. The mapping:
    <class name="mypackage.MyEntity" table="SAMPLE_ENTITY">
  |         <id name="id" column="id" unsaved-value="0" type="java.lang.Long">
  |             <generator class="native"/>
  |         </id>
  |         ...
  |     </class>

Then you use a HibernateLongInstance to wrap your entity and store it as any other JBPM variable:

  | // create my entity an wrap it with HibernateLongInstance
  | MyEntity ent = new MyEntity();
  | HibernateLongInstance entWrapper = new HibernateLongInstance();
  | envWrapper.setObject(ent);
  | // store it to root token context
  | ContextInstance contextInstance = (ContextInstance)
  |         token.getProcessInstance().getInstance(ContextInstance.class);
  | contextInstance.setVariable("my-entity-variable", entWrapper);
  | ...

To access it later, just get the wrapped object and class cast it back to your entity:

  | ContextInstance contextInstance = (ContextInstance)
  |         token.getProcessInstance().getInstance(ContextInstance.class);
  | HibernateLongInstance entWrapper = (HibernateLongInstance)
  |         contextInstance.getVariable("my-entity-variable");
  | MyEntity entData = (MyEntity)entWrapper.getObject();
  | ...

That's it!

A warning though: The default configuration has Serializable type mapped before Hibernate and EJB types. That means that if your entity class implements java.io.Serializable it will get serialized as a byte array and not as a Hibernate entity. To avoid this behavior, re-order the types in jbpm.varmapping.xml.

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