[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Success after logging in... which page???

tony.herstell@gmail.com do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Feb 8 22:00:39 EST 2007

After a new user registers I wanted to auto log them in (refactoring for using Seam Security).
I assume there is no reason I can't bully the Identity class into logging them in for me.

  | 			log.info("Crypted Password:" + user.getPassword());
  | 			em.persist(user);
  | 			if (!Identity.instance().isLoggedIn()) {
  | 				Identity.instance().setUsername(user.getUsername());
  | 				Identity.instance().setPassword(user.getPassword());
  | 				Identity.instance().login();
  | 			}
  | 			facesMessages.addFromResourceBundle("user_create_successful");
  | 			log.info("Leaving Registration conversation." + conversation.getId()+")");
  | 			valueToBeReturned = "success";

Might need a em.flush after the persist as my authentication class looks for the username/password on the Dbase... hummm

I also assume I can still just drop the session and things won't go pear shaped when someone deletes the user they are logged in as

  | 			if (Identity.instance().isLoggedIn()) {
  | 				if (loggedInUser.getUser().getId().compareTo(
  | 						userToBeDeleted.getId()) == 0) {
  | 					// We have deleted ourselves, so force a Logout.
  | 					Seam.invalidateSession();
  | 					return "mainMenu";
  | 				}
  | 			}
  | 			facesMessages.addFromResourceBundle("user_delete_successful");

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