[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: How convertEntity works with the noSelectionLabel
do-not-reply at jboss.com
Fri Feb 23 09:39:47 EST 2007
There were some problems with s:selectItems in 1.1.6 (fixed in CVS) which meant that noSelectionLabel didn't work quite right.
So, in CVS, if the noSelectionLabel is selected a value of null will be passed to the entity converter, which passes this straight through to the backing bean. I know this doesn't really answer the question, but hopefully you can work out what you want to know from here.
Btw this is an idea for a "Any" option, alternatively you could just write a custom converter from scratch...
<h:selectOneMenu id="tipoNivel" value="#{descricaoNivelList.descricaoNivel.descricaoTipoNivel}" converter="foo.converter">
| <f:selectItem itemLabel="Any" itemValue="any" />
| <s:selectItems value="#{descricaoTipoNivelList.resultList}"
| var="descricaoTipoNivel"
| label="#{descricaoTipoNivel.descricao}"/>
| <ec:convertEntity />
| </h:selectOneMenu>
Where you would need to write the foo.converter (make it extend EntityConverter, do something with any, then delegate to EntityConverter)
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