[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: selectOneMenu and commandButton conflict
do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Feb 28 01:04:43 EST 2007
"petemuir" wrote : <h:selectOneMenu styleClass="font_style" value="#{foo.application}">
| Foo is the backing bean on which you wish to set the application property. It could be just #{application} - though I'm not sure how well this works on the whole.
1. i had entityconverter.jar into my war file
2.my project component.xml file looks like :
| <framework:entity-home name="applicationHome" entity-class="com.magticom.billing.businesslayer.entitybeans.billAdmin.Application" />
| <factory name="application" value="#{applicationHome.instance}" />
| <framework:entity-query name="applications" ejbql="select a from Application a" />
"applicationHome" is baking bean for login page.
"application" is name of this baking bean instance.
"applications" is is entity query.
3. my login page looks like
| <h:selectOneMenu styleClass="font_style" value="#{application}">
| <s:selectItems value="#{applications.resultList}" var="application" label="#{application.name}"/>
| <ec:convertEntity />
| </h:selectOneMenu>
in "h:selectOneMenu" component "#{application}" is name of the baking bean,
in "s:selectItems" component "#{applications.resultList}" is the result of entity query
the var attribute point to the factory.
ant at list this is <ec:convertEntity /> is for converting entity.
but always i got the same error
| Value is no String (class=com.magti.seam.beans.billAdmin.Application, value=com.magti.seam.beans.bil
| lAdmin.Application[applicationId=4]) and component _id17:_id26with path: {Component-Path : [Class: j
| avax.faces.component.UIViewRoot,ViewId: /login.xhtml][Class: javax.faces.component.html.HtmlForm,Id:
| _id17][Class: org.jboss.seam.ui.UIDecorate,Id: _id25][Class: javax.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectO
| neMenu,Id: _id26]} does not have a Converter
is another way to resolve this problem? without entity converter ?
or what i did wrong ?
oo and i put entityconverter.jar into jboss server lib folder. is it needed ?
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