[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Seam IceFaces question
do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Jan 4 06:04:32 EST 2007
Hi Gavin,
can U answer for my questions abous Seam IceFaces?
I have Seam app and sometimes when I clicking on action links got error "User session expired", but session not expireds. First I thougth this is my code problem but I made simple app, like this.
| Main Page
| <s:link value="ONE" action="#{homeAction.testOne}"/>
| <s:link value="TWO" action="#{homeAction.testTwo}"/>
| <br/>
| <ice:form>
| <ice:panelGrid styleClass="contentLayoutGridStyle" columns="1" border="0">
| <ice:panelTabSet tabPlacement="top" styleClass="componentPanelTabSetLayout">
| <ice:panelTab label="Panel A">AAA</ice:panelTab>
| <ice:panelTab label="Panel B">BBB</ice:panelTab>
| <ice:panelTab label="Panel C">CCC</ice:panelTab>
| <ice:panelTab label="Panel D">DDD</ice:panelTab>
| </ice:panelTabSet>
| </ice:panelGrid>
| </ice:form>
and stateful bean,
| @Stateful
| @Name("homeAction")
| @Scope(ScopeType.SESSION)
| public class HomeAction implements HomeConsole {
| public HomeAction() {}
| @PersistenceContext
| private EntityManager em;
| @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
| public String testOne() {
| System.out.println("TestONE");
| try {
| Query questionsListQuery = em.createQuery("FROM Category c");
| List<Category> questionsListSize = questionsListQuery.getResultList();
| System.out.println("Query Size:" + questionsListSize.size());
| }
| catch(EJBException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
| return "/home.xhtml";
| }
| public String testTwo() {
| System.out.println("TestTWO");
| return "/home.xhtml";
| }
| @Destroy @Remove
| public void destroy() { System.out.println("homeAction - destroy"); }
| }
when I clicking link like testOne,testTwo,...etc. sometimes maybe after 5-15 click-times and GO TO SWITCH TAB this error is thrown again!
this is happen to when have those links and ice:dataTable connected to dataPaginator and try to switch page in paginator.
Question is why? There's no source error. (I think)
When I removed try {} block from testOne() and leaved ony system.out... (thought "user eror.." is thrown, by db) problem is not resoled.
Test III
I added those source code to your's booking-example (seam-icefaces app), to main page,
error is still thrown.
Can U tell me what I do wrong, and how to resolve it?
In some post here on forum U said that seam/Icefaces apps need SeamVariableResolver to work clear.
Can U tel me why, and why those SeamVariableResolver isnt' in Seam-Booking faces-config.xml?
P.S. Can anyone check those simple example by clicking few times link and switch tab, or maybe this is only my problem.
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