[jboss-user] [JBoss Messaging] - Problem if messaging client deployed within same VM
do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue Jan 23 18:56:37 EST 2007
I have been struggling with deploying JBoss Messaging 1.0.1SP2 for a couple of days and got no luck. Please help.
What I need is to be able to send/receive messages in my EJB3 that is deployed in the same JBoss server as the JBoss Messaging.
I followed the instruction on the user manual for the installation, the example/queue runs okay. However, example/stateless fails with ClassNotFoundException for the org.jboss.jms.destination.JBossQueue class. I assume it is because the messaging is scoped and therefore, the example EJB "StatelessSessionExample" can't find the messaging classes.
I thought of two ways to deal with it:
1. put the jboss-messaging-client.jar to the server's lib directory so it is available to all apps.
2. Include the jboss-messaging-client.jar in the application I am deploying, in this case, the example stateless EJB.
And both approaches gave me this error:
| javax.jms.InvalidDestinationException: Not a JBossDestination:JBossQueue[testQueue]
Apparently, due to the scoped deployment of the messaging, when I try to access the queue from inside the same JBoss AS, it uses two different loaders to load the same JBossQueue class (packaged in different jar files, one from messaging, one from client jar), and therefore, thinks that they are different class types.
I am actually surprised that I could not find any existing post that discusses this problem. Did I missed something very basic?
As a side note, I could not package the jboss-messaging-client.jar in my application's EAR. It caused weird deployment problems due to class conflicts. I got some attribute setting error and my datasource would not deploy. The grand jboss-messaging-client.jar contains so many packages/classes that are already exist in the JBoss AS server and it is impossible to isolate which one is actually causing the error.
one is causing the problem.
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