[jboss-user] [JBoss/Spring Integration] - Re: Spring AOP Problem
do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Jan 24 08:56:14 EST 2007
Hi, I found a similar problem, with a ugly workaround:
In my case, this work fine:
| <bean id="LoggingAspect" class = "aop.LoggingAspect" />
| <aop:config>
| <aop:aspect id = "MyAspect" ref="LoggingAspect">
| <aop:pointcut id="myCutLogging"
| expression="execution(* server.persistence.MyDAO.find*(..))"/>
| <aop:before pointcut-ref="myCutLogging" method="log"/>
| </aop:aspect>
| </aop:config>
But this doesn't work (throws the ReflectionWorldException):
| <bean id="LoggingAspect" class = "aop.LoggingAspect" />
| <aop:config>
| <aop:aspect id = "MyAspect" ref="LoggingAspect">
| <aop:pointcut id="myCutLogging"
| expression="execution(* server.persistence.MyDAO.*(..))"/>
| <aop:before pointcut-ref="myCutLogging" method="log"/>
| </aop:aspect>
| </aop:config>
without the 'find' in the definition of the pointcut.
Somebody knows where is the problem? Thanks
I haven't try the standalone suggestion yet.
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