[jboss-user] [Remoting] - Re: Simple Socket Server (TEXT)?

hurzeler do-not-reply at jboss.com
Sun Jul 1 03:29:59 EDT 2007

Yes there is actually a second socket in jboss-4.2.0.GA/server/default/conf/jboss-service.xml but as far as I can see it is on port 4446. Mine should go on port 8084. The name of the mbean is also different??? So therefore I can't see what is wrong. Further this part worked ok on jboss4.0.5GA but the un/marshalling did not. I guess this is because of the different remoting version.

Is this a bug???

This is the socket that conflicts in the default jboss-4.2.0.GA/server/default/conf/jboss-service.xml:

  |    <!-- The Connector is the core component of the remoting server service. -->
  |    <!-- It binds the remoting invoker (transport protocol, callback configuration, -->
  |    <!-- data marshalling, etc.) with the invocation handlers.  -->
  |    <mbean code="org.jboss.remoting.transport.Connector"
  |           name="jboss.remoting:service=Connector,transport=socket"
  |           display-name="Socket transport Connector">
  |        <!-- Can either just specify the InvokerLocator attribute and not the invoker element in the -->
  |        <!-- Configuration attribute, or do the full invoker configuration in the in invoker element -->
  |        <!-- of the Configuration attribute. -->
  |        <!-- Remember that if you do use more than one param on the uri, will have to include as a CDATA, -->
  |        <!-- otherwise, parser will complain. -->
  |        <!-- <attribute name="InvokerLocator"><![CDATA[socket://${jboss.bind.address}:4446/?datatype=invocation]]></attribute> -->
  |       <attribute name="Configuration">
  |          <!-- Using the following <invoker> element instead of the InvokerLocator above because specific attributes needed. -->
  |          <!-- If wanted to use any of the parameters below, can just add them as parameters to the url above if wanted use the InvokerLocator attribute. -->
  |          <config>
  |             <!-- Other than transport type and handler, none of these configurations are required (will just use defaults). -->
  |             <invoker transport="socket">
  |                <attribute name="dataType" isParam="true">invocation</attribute>
  |                <attribute name="marshaller" isParam="true">org.jboss.invocation.unified.marshall.InvocationMarshaller</attribute>
  |                <attribute name="unmarshaller" isParam="true">org.jboss.invocation.unified.marshall.InvocationUnMarshaller</attribute>
  |                <!-- This will be port on which the marshall loader port runs on.  -->
  |                <!-- <attribute name="loaderport" isParam="true">4447</attribute> -->
  |                <!-- The following are specific to socket invoker -->
  |                <!-- <attribute name="numAcceptThreads">1</attribute>-->
  |                <!-- <attribute name="maxPoolSize">303</attribute>-->
  |                <!-- <attribute name="clientMaxPoolSize" isParam="true">304</attribute>-->
  |                <attribute name="socketTimeout" isParam="true">600000</attribute>
  |                <attribute name="serverBindAddress">${jboss.bind.address}</attribute>
  |                <attribute name="serverBindPort">4446</attribute>
  |                <!-- <attribute name="clientConnectAddress"></attribute> -->
  |                <!-- <attribute name="clientConnectPort">7777</attribute> -->
  |                <attribute name="enableTcpNoDelay" isParam="true">true</attribute>
  |                <!-- <attribute name="backlog">200</attribute>-->
  |                <!-- The following is for callback configuration and is independant of invoker type -->
  |                <!-- <attribute name="callbackMemCeiling">30</attribute>-->
  |                <!-- indicates callback store by fully qualified class name -->
  |                <!-- <attribute name="callbackStore">org.jboss.remoting.CallbackStore</attribute>-->
  |                <!-- indicates callback store by object name -->
  |                <!-- <attribute name="callbackStore">jboss.remoting:service=CallbackStore,type=Serializable</attribute> -->
  |                <!-- config params for callback store.  if were declaring callback store via object name, -->
  |                <!-- could have specified these config params there. -->
  |                <!-- StoreFilePath indicates to which directory to write the callback objects. -->
  |                <!-- The default value is the property value of 'jboss.server.data.dir' and if this is not set, -->
  |                <!-- then will be 'data'. Will then append 'remoting' and the callback client's session id. -->
  |                <!-- An example would be 'data\remoting\5c4o05l-9jijyx-e5b6xyph-1-e5b6xyph-2'. -->
  |                <!-- <attribute name="StoreFilePath">callback</attribute>-->
  |                <!-- StoreFileSuffix indicates the file suffix to use for the callback objects written to disk. -->
  |                <!-- The default value for file suffix is 'ser'. -->
  |                <!-- <attribute name="StoreFileSuffix">cst</attribute>-->
  |             </invoker>
  |             <!-- At least one handler is required by the connector.  If have more than one, must decalre -->
  |             <!-- different subsystem values.  Otherwise, all invocations will be routed to the only one -->
  |             <!-- that is declared. -->
  |             <handlers>
  |                <!-- can also specify handler by fully qualified classname -->
  |                <handler subsystem="invoker">jboss:service=invoker,type=unified</handler>
  |             </handlers>
  |          </config>
  |       </attribute>
  |       <depends>jboss.remoting:service=NetworkRegistry</depends>
  |    </mbean>

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