[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: [newbie] problem with hibernate mapping while trying to

syngolis do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Jul 4 02:18:34 EDT 2007

Your object is stored in jbpm_bytearray/block because there is no hibernate mapping for it, that means, unknown serializeable objects are stored as byte-array. (This behaviour is declared in jbpm.varmapping.xml)

I tired a similar scenario some time ago. I am not sure if it fits exactly your needs but maybe this helps:

1. Create table in your jbpm-db, e.g. jbpm_test
2. Create mapping class for test: com/test/Test.java
3. Create hibernate mapping file: com/test/Test.hbm.xml
4. Put mapping into your hibernate.cfg.xml: 
5. Put all into your ear/war
Thats all...

Now you should be able to create/use objects of type test in your process, which are taken/stored in your table. In variableinstance, only references to your table are stored.

I am not sure but in your example you use package "dgbdatamodel". hibernate tells you "Resource: com/dgbdatamodel/Student.hbm.xml not found". So maybe you should change your package to "com.dgbdatamodel".

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