[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Seam 2.0 beat few questions

gavin.king@jboss.com do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Jul 5 13:42:55 EDT 2007

anonymous wrote : First could someone please explain why there is no more annotation @Rollback(ifOutcome..)

I eventually decided it's a misuses of annotations.

Use Transaction.instance().setRollbackOnly(), much clearer.

anonymous wrote : I know there was some talk about adding default option in configuration files flush=MANUAL, so one does not need to specify it every time. Is it going to happened? I would like it very much :) 

There is nothing in JIRA.

anonymous wrote : In pageflows it would be great if one could send component from conversation as a parameter when invoking expression.

Yes, this will be possible in the next release, the support is already there in jBPM for us to plug in jboss-el.

anonymous wrote : is there a way to start conversation from s:link with option flush=MANUAL? 

Not yet.

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