[jboss-user] property from @OrderBy clause not found: Ruleset.number
Burghard Britzke
bubi at charmides.in-berlin.de
Mon Jul 9 15:15:59 EDT 2007
I try to write a persistent unit
in Ruleset I wrote
public class Ruleset implements Serializable
@OneToMany(cascade={ PERSIST, REMOVE })
@OrderBy ("number ASC")
private List<Rule> rules;
my Class Rule looks like
public class Rule implements Serializable
private BigDecimal number;
during deployment I get the above error message.
I tried remove the @OrderBy anotation. but the error still remains.
even when I change the Order to "id asc" (id is a valid property of
both classes).
when I changed the Order to "ddddddd ASC", i got the above error
message for the property Ruleset.ddddddd.
when I changed back to "id asc" the error changed back to Ruleset.number
what does it mean?
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