[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - commandLink/commandButtton do not invoke action listener
do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Jul 12 11:51:15 EDT 2007
I would like to update the values of the following check boxes in the database by using a form as shown below.
| <h:form id="category_form">
| <h:dataTable value="#{categoryFinder.categories}"
| border="1" var="category"
| rendered="#{not empty categoryFinder.categories}">
| <h:column>
| <f:facet name="header">Category</f:facet>#{category[0]}
| </h:column>
| <h:column>
| <f:facet name="header">Assigned</f:facet>
| <h:selectBooleanCheckbox id="categoryList" disabled="false"
| value="#{category[1] > 0}" />
| </h:column>
| <h:column>
| <f:facet name="header">Preferred</f:facet>
| <h:selectBooleanCheckbox id="PreferredList" disabled="false"
| value="#{category[2] == 1}" />
| </h:column>
| </h:dataTable>
| <h:commandButton id="savecategory" value="Save"
| action="#{categoryFinder.updateCategory}" />
| </h:form>
When I click the submit button, the page is rerendered and and the altered check boxes are saved. But the action listener categoryFinder.updateCategory is not invoked - which means no database update has been taken place.
| @Stateful
| @Name("categoryFinder")
| @Scope(ScopeType.CONVERSATION)
| public class categoryFinderBean implements Serializable, CategoryFinderInterface
| {
| @PersistenceContext
| private EntityManager entityManager;
| @DataModel
| private List categories;
| @RequestParameter
| private String id;
| @Begin
| @Factory("categories")
| public void initCategories()
| {
| try
| {
| //This is a native query which uses a JOIN on several tables
| String nativeQuery = "SELECT name, assigned, preferred FROM [...]";
| this.categories = entityManager.createNativeQuery(nativeQuery).getResultList();
| } catch (NoResultException e)
| {
| // ignore
| }
| }
| @End
| public void updateCategory()
| {
| return;
| }
| @Destroy
| @Remove
| public void destroy()
| {
| }
| }
I tried to stick to the examples in the Seam documentation. Is there any suitable reason why this happens? I've been looking for a solution the wohle day now :(
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