[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: EJB-JBPM: transaction clash (rollbacks)

Johan.Parent do-not-reply at jboss.com
Fri Jul 13 10:23:53 EDT 2007

Thanks for the reaction guys!

The queries contain some sensitive/personal data and I just don't want my head chopped off by my boss :-P 

Well I can post an edited (and somewhat shorter version of the output). It contains JBPM log info but also the queries, I don't think it is confusing. The "select" at the very beginning is the last query produced by the app. After that it's jbpm code. I removed the inserts for the variable instances but all is fine there. I did not leave any commit notifications out.

The way I interpret the output: after the final save() of the process instance the connection is rolled back. I got no clue why this happens, I don't understand nearly enough about dbs to be sure about this "conclusion". What I'm sure about it that there is not trace left in the db afterwards.



  |  1,874ms executing PreparedStatement: SELECT WL0.Oid, WL0.CreDate, WL0.CreUserId, WL0.Domain, WL0.Identifier, WL0.isActive, WL0.ModDate, WL0.ModUserId, WL0.ServiceId, WL0.SettingId, WL0.SettingValue, WL0.Description, WL0.Version  FROM user_db..ServiceSettings WL0 WHERE ( WL0.ServiceId = 'FER' )
  | creating jbpm context with service factories '[message, scheduler, logging, persistence, authentication]'
  | creating JbpmContext
  | creating persistence service
  |  2,037ms executing PreparedStatement: select processdef0_.ID_ as ID1_2_, processdef0_.NAME_ as NAME2_2_, processdef0_.VERSION_ as VERSION3_2_, processdef0_.ISTERMINATIONIMPLICIT_ as ISTERMIN4_2_, processdef0_.STARTSTATE_ as STARTSTATE5_2_ from JBPM_PROCESSDEFINITION processdef0_ where processdef0_.NAME_='createReadReport' order by processdef0_.VERSION_ desc
  | closing JbpmContext
  | closing service 'persistence': org.jbpm.persistence.db.DbPersistenceService at 8d7e43
  | creating jbpm context with service factories '[message, scheduler, logging, persistence, authentication]'
  | creating JbpmContext
  | creating persistence service
  |  0,936ms executing PreparedStatement: select processdef0_.ID_ as ID1_2_, processdef0_.NAME_ as NAME2_2_, processdef0_.VERSION_ as VERSION3_2_, processdef0_.ISTERMINATIONIMPLICIT_ as ISTERMIN4_2_, processdef0_.STARTSTATE_ as STARTSTATE5_2_ from JBPM_PROCESSDEFINITION processdef0_ where processdef0_.NAME_='createReadReport' order by processdef0_.VERSION_ desc
  |  2,591ms executing PreparedStatement: insert into JBPM_TOKEN (VERSION_, NAME_, START_, END_, NODEENTER_, NEXTLOGINDEX_, ISABLETOREACTIVATEPARENT_, ISTERMINATIONIMPLICIT_, ISSUSPENDED_, NODE_, PROCESSINSTANCE_, PARENT_, SUBPROCESSINSTANCE_) values (0, null, '2007-07-13 13:51:48.533', null, null, 0, true, false, false, 95, null, null, null)
  | select @@identity
  |  1,169ms executing PreparedStatement: insert into JBPM_PROCESSINSTANCE (VERSION_, START_, END_, ISSUSPENDED_, PROCESSDEFINITION_, ROOTTOKEN_, SUPERPROCESSTOKEN_) values (0, '2007-07-13 13:51:48.533', null, false, 22, 328, null)
  | select @@identity
  |  1,146ms executing PreparedStatement: select definition0_.PROCESSDEFINITION_ as PROCESSD4_1_, definition0_.ID_ as ID1_1_, definition0_.NAME_ as NAME3_1_, definition0_.ID_ as ID1_15_0_, definition0_.NAME_ as NAME3_15_0_, definition0_.PROCESSDEFINITION_ as PROCESSD4_15_0_, definition0_.STARTTASK_ as STARTTASK5_15_0_, definition0_.CLASS_ as CLASS2_15_0_ from JBPM_MODULEDEFINITION definition0_ where definition0_.PROCESSDEFINITION_=22
  | event 'process-start' on 'ProcessDefinition(createReadReport)' for 'Token(/)'
  |  1,405ms executing PreparedStatement: select events0_.PROCESSDEFINITION_ as PROCESSD5_1_, events0_.ID_ as ID1_1_, events0_.EVENTTYPE_ as EVENTTYPE2_1_, events0_.ID_ as ID1_5_0_, events0_.EVENTTYPE_ as EVENTTYPE2_5_0_, events0_.TYPE_ as TYPE3_5_0_, events0_.GRAPHELEMENT_ as GRAPHELE4_5_0_ from JBPM_EVENT events0_ where events0_.PROCESSDEFINITION_=22
  | executing default save operations
  | saving process instance
  | flushing logs to logging service.
  |  2,191ms executing PreparedStatement: insert into JBPM_LOG (INDEX_, DATE_, TOKEN_, PARENT_, CLASS_) values (0, '2007-07-13 13:51:48.593', 328, null, 'I')
  | select @@identity
  | cascading save of 'org.jbpm.graph.exe.ProcessInstance at 15c9b76'
  | executing default save operations
  | saving process instance
  | flushing logs to logging service.
  | cascading save of 'org.jbpm.graph.exe.ProcessInstance at 15c9b76'
  | closing JbpmContext
  | closing service 'persistence': org.jbpm.persistence.db.DbPersistenceService at db7371
  | closing service 'logging': org.jbpm.logging.db.DbLoggingService at 1782201
  | creating jbpm context with service factories '[message, scheduler, logging, persistence, authentication]'
  | creating JbpmContext
  | creating persistence service
  | create variable ...
  | 2,270ms executing PreparedStatement: insert into JBPM_VARIABLEINSTANCE (NAME_, CONVERTER_, TOKEN_, TOKENVARIABLEMAP_, PROCESSINSTANCE_, STRINGVALUE_, CLASS_) values ('MEDICAL_SERVICE', null, 328, null, 328, 'FER', 'S')
  | select @@identity
  |  1,822ms executing PreparedStatement: insert into JBPM_LOG (INDEX_, DATE_, TOKEN_, PARENT_, VARIABLEINSTANCE_, CLASS_) values (1, '2007-07-13 13:51:48.804', 328, null, 5764, 'R')
  | select @@identity
  |  1,773ms executing PreparedStatement: insert into JBPM_LOG (INDEX_, DATE_, TOKEN_, PARENT_, VARIABLEINSTANCE_, OLDSTRINGVALUE_, NEWSTRINGVALUE_, CLASS_) values (2, '2007-07-13 13:51:48.804', 328, null, 5764, null, 'FER', 'U')
  | select @@identity
  | selected transition name 'createNewProcess'
  |  0,889ms executing PreparedStatement: select leavingtra0_.FROM_ as FROM4_1_, leavingtra0_.ID_ as ID1_1_, leavingtra0_.FROMINDEX_ as FROMINDEX6_1_, leavingtra0_.ID_ as ID1_4_0_, leavingtra0_.NAME_ as NAME2_4_0_, leavingtra0_.PROCESSDEFINITION_ as PROCESSD3_4_0_, leavingtra0_.FROM_ as FROM4_4_0_, leavingtra0_.TO_ as TO5_4_0_ from JBPM_TRANSITION leavingtra0_ where leavingtra0_.FROM_=96
  | event 'node-leave' on 'Decision(Check creation needed)' for 'Token(/)'
  | event 'transition' on 'Transition(createNewProcess)' for 'Token(/)'
  |  0,865ms executing PreparedStatement: select events0_.TRANSITION_ as TRANSITION7_1_, events0_.ID_ as ID1_1_, events0_.EVENTTYPE_ as EVENTTYPE2_1_, events0_.ID_ as ID1_5_0_, events0_.EVENTTYPE_ as EVENTTYPE2_5_0_, events0_.TYPE_ as TYPE3_5_0_, events0_.GRAPHELEMENT_ as GRAPHELE4_5_0_ from JBPM_EVENT events0_ where events0_.TRANSITION_=86
  |  0,952ms executing PreparedStatement: select node0_.ID_ as ID1_3_0_, node0_.NAME_ as NAME3_3_0_, node0_.PROCESSDEFINITION_ as PROCESSD4_3_0_, node0_.ISASYNC_ as ISASYNC5_3_0_, node0_.ACTION_ as ACTION6_3_0_, node0_.SUPERSTATE_ as SUPERSTATE7_3_0_, node0_.SUBPROCESSDEFINITION_ as SUBPROCE8_3_0_, node0_.DECISIONEXPRESSION_ as DECISION9_3_0_, node0_.DECISIONDELEGATION as DECISIO10_3_0_, node0_.SIGNAL_ as SIGNAL11_3_0_, node0_.CREATETASKS_ as CREATET12_3_0_, node0_.ENDTASKS_ as ENDTASKS13_3_0_, node
  | 0_.CLASS_ as CLASS2_3_0_ from JBPM_NODE node0_ where node0_.ID_=97
  | event 'node-enter' on 'Node(Create Report)' for 'Token(/)'
  |  1,033ms executing PreparedStatement: select events0_.NODE_ as NODE6_1_, events0_.ID_ as ID1_1_, events0_.EVENTTYPE_ as EVENTTYPE2_1_, events0_.ID_ as ID1_5_0_, events0_.EVENTTYPE_ as EVENTTYPE2_5_0_, events0_.TYPE_ as TYPE3_5_0_, events0_.GRAPHELEMENT_ as GRAPHELE4_5_0_ from JBPM_EVENT events0_ where events0_.NODE_=97
  |  2,085ms executing PreparedStatement: select action0_.ID_ as ID1_6_0_, action0_.NAME_ as NAME3_6_0_, action0_.ISPROPAGATIONALLOWED_ as ISPROPAG4_6_0_, action0_.ACTIONEXPRESSION_ as ACTIONEX5_6_0_, action0_.ISASYNC_ as ISASYNC6_6_0_, action0_.REFERENCEDACTION_ as REFERENC7_6_0_, action0_.ACTIONDELEGATION_ as ACTIONDE8_6_0_, action0_.EVENT_ as EVENT9_6_0_, action0_.PROCESSDEFINITION_ as PROCESS10_6_0_, action0_.TIMERNAME_ as TIMERNAME11_6_0_, action0_.DUEDATE_ as DUEDATE12_6_0_, action0_.REPEAT_ as REPEAT13_6_0_, action0_.TRANSITIONNAME_ as TRANSIT14_6_0_, action0_.TIMERACTION_ as TIMERAC15_6_0_, action0_.EXPRESSION_ as EXPRESSION16_6_0_, action0_.class as class6_0_ from JBPM_ACTION action0_ where action0_.ID_=66
  |  0,791ms executing PreparedStatement: select delegation0_.ID_ as ID1_8_0_, delegation0_.CLASSNAME_ as CLASSNAME2_8_0_, delegation0_.CONFIGURATION_ as CONFIGUR3_8_0_, delegation0_.CONFIGTYPE_ as CONFIGTYPE4_8_0_, delegation0_.PROCESSDEFINITION_ as PROCESSD5_8_0_ from JBPM_DELEGATION delegation0_ where delegation0_.ID_=66
  |  1,464ms executing PreparedStatement: insert into JBPM_MODULEINSTANCE (PROCESSINSTANCE_, TASKMGMTDEFINITION_, CLASS_) values (328, 44, 'T')
  | select @@identity
  |  0,739ms executing PreparedStatement: insert into JBPM_MODULEINSTANCE (PROCESSINSTANCE_, CLASS_) values (328, 'C')
  | select @@identity
  |  0,848ms executing PreparedStatement: insert into JBPM_TOKENVARIABLEMAP (TOKEN_, CONTEXTINSTANCE_) values (328, 656)
  | select @@identity
  |  1,614ms executing PreparedStatement: select processdef0_.ID_ as ID1_2_, processdef0_.NAME_ as NAME2_2_, processdef0_.VERSION_ as VERSION3_2_, processdef0_.ISTERMINATIONIMPLICIT_ as ISTERMIN4_2_, processdef0_.STARTSTATE_ as STARTSTATE5_2_ from JBPM_PROCESSDEFINITION processdef0_ where processdef0_.NAME_='stresstest_ReadReport' order by processdef0_.VERSION_ desc
  |  1,312ms executing PreparedStatement: select exceptionh0_.NODE_ as NODE7_1_, exceptionh0_.ID_ as ID1_1_, exceptionh0_.GRAPHELEMENTINDEX_ as GRAPHELE6_1_, exceptionh0_.ID_ as ID1_7_0_, exceptionh0_.EXCEPTIONCLASSNAME_ as EXCEPTIO2_7_0_, exceptionh0_.TYPE_ as TYPE3_7_0_, exceptionh0_.GRAPHELEMENT_ as GRAPHELE4_7_0_ from JBPM_EXCEPTIONHANDLER exceptionh0_ where exceptionh0_.NODE_=97
  |  0,783ms executing PreparedStatement: select exceptionh0_.PROCESSDEFINITION_ as PROCESSD5_1_, exceptionh0_.ID_ as ID1_1_, exceptionh0_.GRAPHELEMENTINDEX_ as GRAPHELE6_1_, exceptionh0_.ID_ as ID1_7_0_, exceptionh0_.EXCEPTIONCLASSNAME_ as EXCEPTIO2_7_0_, exceptionh0_.TYPE_ as TYPE3_7_0_, exceptionh0_.GRAPHELEMENT_ as GRAPHELE4_7_0_ from JBPM_EXCEPTIONHANDLER exceptionh0_ where exceptionh0_.PROCESSDEFINITION_=22
  | closing JbpmContext
  | closing service 'persistence': org.jbpm.persistence.db.DbPersistenceService at 1d3bb7b
  | Rolling back connection: com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.SybConnection at 118d722
  |  4,033ms executing PreparedStatement: SELECT RequisitionNo,PerformingServiceId,SequenceNo,FollowUpState,ScheduledTime,Mnemonic,ItemGroupId,PerformingResourceId,AccessNo,RequisitionTime,OriginId,PresriberId,PrescriberName,EventServer,EventTable,EventPK,PatientId,MedServiceId,EventDefName,RelEventDefLevelId,Status,PatientLastName,PatientFirstName,HospitalisationNo,EventRefPK,VerwServiceId FROM ref_db..OrderComEventReferenceView  WHERE AccessNo = '07B03406' and PerformingServiceId = 'LABA'  ORDER B
  | Y RequisitionTime DESC
  | Committing connection: com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.SybConnection at 118d722

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