[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - SEAM JEE5 Example w/MySQL Question

nwhite do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue Jul 17 22:59:32 EDT 2007


My setup looks like this:

 * Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 (build b41d-beta2) [GlassFish V2 beta2]
 * Seam 2.0.0 beta 1
 * MySQL 5.0.45
 * MySQL Connector/J 5.0.6

I successfully built and deployed the included JEE5 example application, after some minor tweaks to the web.xml, thanks to a previous post I found in this forum. This deployed using the bundled Derby db and persistence.xml configuration.

I am now trying to get it to run using MySQL instead but when I deploy the EAR I am not seeing the tables automatically created in the new db. 

Prior to deployment under this environment I did the following steps:

Undeployed old app

Stopped SAS

Dropped in the mysql connector J jar into the SAS lib dir

Started default SAS domain

Created a new user, mysqltestuser, and a new database called mysqldatabasetest in MySQL.  

Using the SAS AdminConsole:

Set up a MySQL connection pool using the  com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.MysqlConnectionPoolDataSource data source class name and the javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource Resource Type. I pointed things at a new database using the new user and password and I am able to 'ping' the connection using the SAS Ping button. 

Set up a JDBC Resource, jdbc/__mysqltest using the above pool.

Changed the persistence.xml file and pointed jta-data-source from jdbc/__default to jdbc/__mysqltest and changed the value of hibernate.dialect to org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5InnoDBDialect

ant clean
ant glassfish

Using SAS AdminConsole deployed new ear file

Look at db and I don't see any tables created.

The last line in the server log file is:
[#|2007-07-17T22:24:05.068-0500|INFO|sun-appserver9.1|javax.enterprise.system.stream.out|_ThreadID=10;_ThreadName=main;|22:24:05,068 INFO  [Ejb3Configuration] [PersistenceUnit: bookingDatabase] no META-INF/orm.xml found



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