[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - WorkingMemory injected in EJB but not POJO
do-not-reply at jboss.com
Fri Jul 20 18:24:40 EDT 2007
I have an EJB I am using as an event handler. When I inject my JBOSS Rules workingMemory into it, all is well; I have declared it in components.xml. Here is the code:
| @Stateful
| @Name("indexPage")
| @Scope(org.jboss.seam.ScopeType.SESSION)
| public class IndexPageBean implements IndexPage {
| @Logger
| private Log log;
| @In
| FacesMessages facesMessages;
| @In WorkingMemory wmUnderwriting;
| .
| .
| .
HOWEVER - what I would like to do INSTEAD is use another seam component and inject the WorkingMemory into it instead of the event handler above. Here is my proposed code
| @Name("UnderwritingService")
| public class UnderwritingService
| {
| //TODO - NOTE - I changed the ant build script to include all .drl files
| // I.E., security.drl is now *.drl
| @In
| WorkingMemory wmUnderwriting;
| .
| .
| .
The problem I am having is that when I manually instantiate this comopnent from the first comoponent, the workingMemory object is null. I dont understand, because it is NOT nulll whe it is injected into the EJB event handler, but it IS null when injected instead into the service component that I instantiate from the event handler. I am not understnading why injection works for the EJB and not for the pojo service component
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