[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re:

smithbstl do-not-reply at jboss.com
Mon Jul 23 15:53:49 EDT 2007

I don't understand where the value for dataTransferScheme is supposed to come from.

Typically you should be using a s:selectItems/f:selectItem/f:selectItems to get a list of values for your menu.  Then menu then chooses one and passes that value to your backing bean.

  | <s:validateAll>
  | <h:form>
  | <h:panelGrid columns="2">
  | .....
  | 	SRB DataTransferScheme *
  | 	<h:selectOneMenu id="dataTransferCombobox" value="#{loginBean.dataTransferScheme}"
  | 		<a4j:support event="onchange" action="#{loginBean.setAuthFields(scheme)}"
  | 		ajaxSingle="true" immediate="true"/>
  |                 <s:selectItems label="#{scheme}" value="#{schemes}"
  |                    var="scheme"/>
  | 	</h:selectOneMenu>
  | </h:panelGrid>
  | .....
  | <h:commandButton value="Login" action="#{login.login}"/>
  | </s:validateAll>
  | </h:form>
  | //LoginBean.java: [the Backing bean]
  | //system.out.println is ugly, use Seam's logger support
  | @Logger
  | Log log;
  | @Out
  | private List<String> schemes;
  | @Factory("schemes")
  | public void fillSchemes() {
  | //Fill your list here
  | }
  | public void setAuthFields(String dataTransferScheme)
  | {
  |         log.info("dataTransferScheme : "+dataTransferScheme);
  | }

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