[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Urgent, Please help

vpnuser do-not-reply at jboss.com
Mon Jun 11 08:26:25 EDT 2007

I had made some changes in the build.xml files, please find them below.

The bpel-build.xml is given below

  | <?xml version="1.0"?>
  | <project name="bpel">
  |   <!-- =============== -->
  |   <!-- === IMPORTS === -->
  |   <!-- =============== -->
  |   <import file="ws-build-hello.xml" />
  |   <!-- ================== -->
  |   <!-- === PROPERTIES === -->
  |   <!-- ================== -->
  |   <property name="bpel.dir" value="${project.dir}/src/main/bpel" />
  |   <!-- ================== -->
  |   <!-- === CLASSPATHS === -->
  |   <!-- ================== -->
  |   <path id="jbpm.bpel.path">
  |     <pathelement location="${common.config.dir}" />
  |     <pathelement location="${jbpm.bpel.config.dir}" />
  |     <pathelement location="${lib.jbpm.bpel.jar}" />
  |     <pathelement location="${lib.jbpm.jpdl.jar}" />
  |     <pathelement location="${lib1.dir}" />
  |     <pathelement location="${lib2.dir}" />
  |     <pathelement location="${lib3.dir}" />
  |     <pathelement location="${lib4.dir}" />
  |     <pathelement location="${lib.commons.collections.local}" />
  |     <pathelement location="${lib.commons.lang.local}" />
  |     <pathelement location="${lib.commons.logging.local}" />
  |     <pathelement location="${lib.dom4j.local}" />
  |     <pathelement location="${lib.jaxen.local}" />
  |     <pathelement location="${lib.log4j.local}" />
  |     <pathelement location="${lib.wsdl4j.local}" />
  |   </path>
  |   <!-- ======================= -->
  |   <!-- === ANT DEFINITIONS === -->
  |   <!-- ======================= -->
  |    <taskdef name="deployprocess"
  |             classname="org.jbpm.bpel.ant.DeployProcessTask"         	      
  |             classpathref="jbpm.bpel.path" />
  |   <taskdef name="servicegen"
  |             classname="org.jbpm.bpel.ant.ServiceGeneratorTask"
  |             classpathref="jbpm.bpel.path" />
  |   <!-- ================================== -->
  |   <!-- ================================== -->
  |   <target name="pack-definition">
  |     <mkdir dir="${output.dir}" />
  |     <zip destfile="${output.dir}/${module.name}-process.zip">
  |       <fileset dir="${bpel.dir}" />
  |     </zip>
  |   </target>
  | <target name="deploy-definition"
  |           depends="pack-definition"
  |           description="deploy the process definition to jbpm">
  |     <deployprocess processfile="D:/Va/jbpm-bpel-1.1.Beta3/examples/hello/target/${module.name}-process.zip" />
  |     <!-- Store the process definition in the jBPM database -->
  |     <storeprocess processfile="D:/Va/jboss-4.0.4.GA/server/default/deploy/${module.name}-process.zip" />
  |   </target>  
  |   <!-- =============================== -->
  |   <!-- === WSDL SERVICE GENERATION === -->
  |   <!-- =============================== -->
  |   <target name="generate-service"
  |           depends="pack-definition"
  |           description="generate wsdl binding and service elements">
  |     <!-- generate binding and service elements -->
  |     <servicegen processfile="${output.dir}/${module.name}-process.zip"
  |                 outputdir="${output.web.dir}/wsdl"
  |                 bindingfile="${module.name}-binding-.wsdl"
  |                 servicefile="${module.name}-service.wsdl" />
  |     <!-- copy xml schema documents -->
  |     <copy todir="${output.web.dir}/wsdl">
  |       <fileset dir="${bpel.dir}" includes="**/*.xsd" />
  |     </copy>
  |   </target>
  |   <!-- ============================== -->
  |   <!-- === APPLICATION DEPLOYMENT === -->
  |   <!-- ============================== -->
  |   <target name="redeploy"
  |           depends="deploy-definition, generate-service, generate-artifacts, deploy"
  |           description="deploy definition, regenerate artifacts and deploy web module" />
  | </project>

and the ws-build.xml is given below,

  | <?xml version="1.0"?>
  | <project name="template">
  |   <!-- ================== -->
  |   <!-- === PROPERTIES === -->
  |   <!-- ================== -->
  |   <!-- project directories -->
  |   <property name="common.dir" value="${ant.file.template}/.." />
  |   <property name="basedir" value="D:/Va/jbpm-bpel-1.1.Beta3" />
  |   <property name="project.dir" value="."/>
  |   <property name="module.name" value="hello"/>
  |   <property name="lib1.dir" value="D:/Va/jbpm-bpel-1.1.Beta3/lib/jbpm-bpel.jar" />
  |     <property name="lib2.dir" value="D:/Va/jbpm-bpel-1.1.Beta3/lib/jbpm-identity.jar" />
  |     <property name="lib3.dir" value="D:/Va/jbpm-bpel-1.1.Beta3/lib/jbpm-jmx.jar" />
  |     <property name="lib4.dir" value="D:/Va/jbpm-bpel-1.1.Beta3/lib/jbpm-jpdl.jar" />
  |     <property name="common.config.dir" value="D:/Va/jbpm-bpel-1.1.Beta3/examples/common/src/main/config" />
  |      <property name="jbpm.bpel.config.dir" value="D:/Va/jbpm-bpel-1.1.Beta3/config"/>
  | <property name="lib.wsdl4j.local" value="D:/Va/jbpm-bpel-1.1.Beta3/lib/ibm-wsdl4j/1.5.2/lib"/>
  |   <property name="java.dir" value="${project.dir}/src/main/java" />
  |   <property name="resources.dir" value="${project.dir}/src/main/resources" />
  |   <property name="web.dir" value="${resources.dir}/web" />
  |   <property name="client.dir" value="${resources.dir}/client" />
  |   <property name="test.java.dir" value="${project.dir}/src/test/java" />
  |   <property name="output.dir" value="${project.dir}/target" />
  |   <property name="output.java.dir" value="${output.dir}/java" />
  |   <property name="output.classes.dir" value="${output.dir}/classes" />
  |   <property name="output.web.dir" value="${output.dir}/resources/web" />
  |   <property name="output.test.dir" value="${output.dir}/test" />
  |   <property name="output.test.classes.dir" value="${output.test.dir}/classes" />
  |   <property name="output.test.reports.dir" value="${output.test.dir}/reports" />
  |   <property name="common.java.dir" value="${common.dir}/src/main/java" />
  |   <property name="common.config.dir" value="${common.dir}/src/main/config" />
  |   <property name="common.classes.dir" value="${common.dir}/target/classes" />
  |   <!-- project specific properties -->
  |   <property name="module.name" value="${ant.project.name}" />
  |   <property name="jbpm.root" value="${common.dir}/../../.." />
  |   <!-- property files -->
  |   <property file="${user.home}/jbpm/build.properties" />
  |   <property file="../../config/build.properties" />
  |   <!-- jboss server configuration -->
  |   <property name="jboss.server" value="default" />
  |   <property name="jboss.server.dir"
  |             value="${jboss.home}/server/${jboss.server}" />
  |   <property name="jboss.server.deploy.dir"
  |             value="${jboss.home}/server/${jboss.server}/deploy" />
  |   <!-- ================== -->
  |   <!-- === CLASSPATHS === -->
  |   <!-- ================== -->
  |   <path id="jboss.path">
  |     <pathelement location="${common.config.dir}" />
  |     <fileset dir="${jboss.home}/client" includes="*.jar" />
  |   </path>
  |   <path id="wstools.path">
  |     <path refid="jboss.path" />
  |     <pathelement location="${web.dir}"  />
  |     <pathelement location="${output.web.dir}"  />
  |   </path>
  |   <path id="wscompile.path">
  |     <fileset dir="${jwsdp.home}/jaxrpc/lib" includes="*.jar" />
  |     <pathelement location="${java.home}/../lib/tools.jar" />
  |     <pathelement location="${resources.dir}" />
  |   </path>
  |   <path id="test.path">
  |     <path refid="jboss.path" />
  |     <pathelement location="${common.classes.dir}" />
  |     <pathelement location="${output.classes.dir}" />
  |   </path>
  |   <!-- =============== -->
  |   <!-- === CLEANUP === -->
  |   <!-- =============== -->
  |   <target name="clean" description="remove generated files">
  |     <delete dir="${output.dir}" failonerror="no" />
  |   </target>
  |   <!-- ==================================== -->
  |   <!-- ==================================== -->
  |   <target name="detect-wsgenerator">
  |     <available property="wstools.available"
  |                classname="org.jboss.ws.tools.ant.wstools"
  |                classpathref="jboss.path" />
  |     <condition property="wsgenerator.available">
  |       <or>
  |         <isset property="wstools.available" />
  |         <isset property="jwsdp.home" />
  |       </or>
  |     </condition>
  |     <fail message="no artifacts generator available"
  |           unless="wsgenerator.available" />
  |   </target>
  |   <target name="setup-wstools" if="wstools.available" unless="jwsdp.home">
  |     <taskdef name="wstools"
  |              classname="org.jboss.ws.tools.ant.wstools"
  |              classpathref="wstools.path" />
  |     <antcall target="call-wstools" />
  |   </target>
  |   <target name="call-wstools">
  |     <wstools dest="${output.java.dir}" config="${resources.dir}/wstools.xml" />
  |     <move file="${output.java.dir}/jaxrpc-mapping.xml"
  |           todir="${output.web.dir}" />
  |   </target>
  |   <target name="setup-wscompile" if="jwsdp.home">
  |     <taskdef name="wscompile"
  |              classname="com.sun.xml.rpc.tools.ant.Wscompile"
  |              classpathref="wscompile.path" />
  |     <mkdir dir="${output.classes.dir}" />
  |     <mkdir dir="${output.web.dir}" />
  |     <antcall target="call-wscompile" />
  |     <delete>
  |       <fileset dir="${output.java.dir}" includes="**/*_Impl.java" />
  |       <fileset dir="${output.classes.dir}" includes="**/*_Impl.class" />
  |     </delete>
  |   </target>
  |   <target name="call-wscompile">
  |     <wscompile fork="on"
  |                verbose="on"
  |                import="on"
  |                keep="on"
  |                features="norpcstructures,wsi,strict"
  |                base="${output.classes.dir}"
  |                sourcebase="${output.java.dir}"
  |                mapping="${output.web.dir}/jaxrpc-mapping.xml"
  |                config="${resources.dir}/wscompile.xml"
  |                classpathref="wscompile.path"
  |                jvmargs="-Duser.dir=${project.dir}" />
  |   </target>
  |   <target name="generate-artifacts"
  |           depends="detect-wsgenerator"
  |           description="generate java mapping artifacts">
  |     <mkdir dir="${output.java.dir}" />
  |     <antcall target="setup-wstools" />
  |     <antcall target="setup-wscompile" />
  |   </target>
  |   <!-- =================================== -->
  |   <!-- === CODE & RESOURCE COMPILATION === -->
  |   <!-- =================================== -->
  |   <target name="compile">
  |     <mkdir dir="${output.classes.dir}" />
  |     <javac destdir="${output.classes.dir}"
  |            classpathref="jboss.path"
  |            source="${javac.source}"
  |            target="${javac.target}"
  |            debug="${javac.debug}"
  |            deprecation="${javac.deprecation}">
  |       <src path="${java.dir}" />
  |       <src path="${output.java.dir}" />
  |     </javac>
  |     <copy todir="${output.classes.dir}">
  |       <fileset dir="${java.dir}" excludes="**/*.java" />
  |     </copy>
  |   </target>
  |   <!-- =========================== -->
  |   <!-- === WEB MODULE ASSEMBLY === -->
  |   <!-- =========================== -->
  |   <target name="pack-web" depends="compile">
  |     <war warfile="${output.dir}/${module.name}.war" webxml="${web.dir}/web.xml">
  |       <classes dir="${output.classes.dir}" />
  |       <webinf dir="${web.dir}" excludes="web.xml" />
  |       <webinf dir="${output.web.dir}" />
  |     </war>
  |   </target>
  |   <!-- ============================== -->
  |   <!-- === APPLICATION DEPLOYMENT === -->
  |   <!-- ============================== -->
  |   <target name="deploy"
  |           depends="pack-web"
  |           description="deploy application to server">
  |     <copy todir="${jboss.server.deploy.dir}"
  |           file="${output.dir}/${module.name}.war" />
  |   </target>
  |   <target name="undeploy" description="undeploy application from server">
  |     <delete file="${jboss.server.deploy.dir}/${module.name}.war" />
  |   </target>
  |   <target name="redeploy"
  |           depends="generate-artifacts, deploy"
  |           description="regenerate artifacts and deploy application" />
  |   <!-- ===================================== -->
  |   <!-- ===================================== -->
  |   <available property="client.available" file="${client.dir}" type="dir" />
  |   <target name="pack-client" if="client.available">
  |     <mkdir dir="${output.dir}" />
  |     <jar destfile="${output.dir}/${module.name}-client.jar">
  |       <metainf dir="${client.dir}" />
  |       <metainf file="${output.web.dir}/jaxrpc-mapping.xml" />
  |       <zipfileset dir="${jboss.server.dir}/data/wsdl/${module.name}.war"
  |                   prefix="META-INF/wsdl" />
  |     </jar>
  |   </target>
  |   <target name="deploy-client" depends="pack-client" if="client.available">
  |     <copy todir="${jboss.server.deploy.dir}"
  |           file="${output.dir}/${module.name}-client.jar" />
  |   </target>
  |   <target name="undeploy-client" if="client.available">
  |     <delete file="${jboss.server.deploy.dir}/${module.name}-client.jar" />
  |   </target>
  |   <!-- ====================== -->
  |   <!-- === TEST EXECUTION === -->
  |   <!-- ====================== -->
  |   <available property="test.available" file="${test.java.dir}" type="dir" />
  |   <target name="compile-common">
  |     <mkdir dir="${common.classes.dir}" />
  |     <javac destdir="${common.classes.dir}"
  |            srcdir="${common.java.dir}"
  |            classpathref="jboss.path"
  |            source="${javac.source}"
  |            target="${javac.target}"
  |            debug="${javac.debug}"
  |            deprecation="${javac.deprecation}" />
  |   </target>
  |   <target name="compile-test" depends="compile-common" if="test.available">
  |     <mkdir dir="${output.test.classes.dir}" />
  |     <javac destdir="${output.test.classes.dir}"
  |            srcdir="${test.java.dir}"
  |            classpathref="test.path"
  |            source="${javac.source}"
  |            target="${javac.target}"
  |            debug="${javac.debug}"
  |            deprecation="${javac.deprecation}" />
  |   </target>
  |   <target name="run-test"
  |           depends="compile-test"
  |           description="test the deployed application"
  |           if="test.available">
  |     <antcall target="pack-client" />
  |     <mkdir dir="${output.test.reports.dir}" />
  |     <junit fork="on"
  |            forkmode="once"
  |            printsummary="on"
  |            haltonfailure="on"
  |            dir="${output.dir}">
  |       <sysproperty key="jbossws.target.server" value="jboss" />
  |       <classpath>
  |         <path refid="test.path" />
  |         <pathelement path="${output.test.classes.dir}" />
  |       </classpath>
  |       <batchtest todir="${output.test.reports.dir}">
  |         <fileset dir="${output.test.classes.dir}" includes="**/*Test.class" />
  |       </batchtest>
  |       <formatter type="xml" />
  |     </junit>
  |   </target>
  | </project>

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