[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Canceling an task instance

ricardomarques do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue Jun 12 05:38:42 EDT 2007

For now... I had resolved the problem the following way (not sure that's the correct one), until now I get a task from the task list then start the work on the task and when the user had filled up the form i ended the task. This was giving me problems on canceling (if doing nothing), because on the moment that I start the work on the task using this code:

  | Command cmd = new StartWorkOnTaskCommand(getTid(), false);
  | Object result = getEjbClient().getCommandService().execute(cmd);

When i retrive the task list using:

  | try {
  |             cmd = new GetTaskListCommand(name,true);
  |             List result = (List) getEjbClient().getCommandService().execute(cmd);
  |             DataModel data = new ListDataModel(result);
  |             return data;
  |         }

I haven't the task on the tasklist (visible at least).

I had resolved the problem by starting the work and ending the work when user submit's the form. Probally i'm going to optimize this to make only one call to the ejb.

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