[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: selectItems and enums

Sammy8306 do-not-reply at jboss.com
Sat Jun 16 12:24:16 EDT 2007

Here's the code for the enum:

  |  public enum Enum_level 
  |   { 
  |     GOOD("Good"), AVERAGE("Average"), BAD("Baaad!")  ;
  |     private String label;
  |     Enum_level (String label) 
  |     { 
  |       this.label = label;
  |     }
  |     public String getLabel()
  |     { 
  |       return label;
  |     }
  |     public Enum_level[] getValues() {
  |       return Enum_level.values();
  |     }
  |     public String toString()
  |     { 
  |       return label;
  |     }
  |   }

and here's the accompanying jsf code:

  | <h:selectOneMenu id="level" value="#{ViewBlogComponent.reply_r.level}">
  |               <s:selectItems value="#{ViewBlogComponent.reply_r.level.values}" var="enum" label="#{enum.label}" noSelectionLabel="Please select : "/>
  |               <s:convertEnum/>
  |              </h:selectOneMenu>

However, it turns out that the problem of not being able to get enum values from non-initialized references is still there. I think the EL-resolver just refuses to call getValues(), when (in this case) getLevel() returns null. Though it can safely do so, since it is a static accessor. Bummer :-( I really hoped this would work... this should be possible, right?? 

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