[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Question: how to make confirmation box work with h:commandLi

anescu do-not-reply at jboss.com
Mon Jun 18 12:31:06 EDT 2007


!!!Possible bug???

I have a "delete" button, and I want to make a "confirmation" box, so that the user can be sure he want's to delete the entity.

I have stumbled upon some sort of bugs:

The code is this:
<s:link styleClass="welcome"
  | 	title="#{messages['general.delete']}"
  | 	id="fakeDelete" rendered="#{abcHome.managed}"
  | 	onclick="deleteConfirm()"
  | 	>
  | 	<h:graphicImage value="img/delete.png" height="16" width="16"
  | 		border="0"/>
  | 	#{messages['general.delete']}
  | </s:link>
  | <h:commandLink id="delete" action="#{abcHome.remove}" style="display:none">
  | </h:commandLink>
  | <script>
  | function deleteConfirm()
  | {
  | 	var answer = confirm( "Do you want to delete this entity?" );
  | 	if( answer )
  | 	{
  | 		alert( 'delete!' );
  | 		var btn = document.getElementById( "abc:delete" );
  | 		alert( btn );
  | 		btn.click();
  | 	}
  | }
  | </script>

Now, I am on the AbcEdit page, and I have in the AbcEdit.page.xml this part:
   <navigation from-action="#{abcHome.remove}">
  |        <end-conversation/>
  |        <redirect view-id="/AbcList.xhtml"/>
  |    </navigation>

Before I made the modification, and used the normal button to do the delete, after I deleted one entity I was returned to the entity List. Now, 2 things happen.
If I leave the code as above, I still remain on the AbcEdit page. If I add this part to the fakeButton:
then it goes to the AbcList, but it will go there always, even if the user doesn't click on Ok, but on Cancel. So this I think is a bug from the Seam framework???

Any way, my question is if anybody has done this sort of thing with Seam?
PS: I also tried this solution here, which doesn't work.

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