[jboss-user] [EJB 3.0] - Re: Can a Stateless bean make a call to an entity bean to pe

oskar.carlstedt do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Jun 28 03:12:38 EDT 2007

Hello again!

If your datasource is correctly deployed, then I don't know. It might be a TopLink issue. This is the way to deploy a EJB3 jar file and connect it to a datasource.

When using EJB3 and JPA you are not using Hibernate directly. You are using JPA, which JBoss in turn maps to Hibernate. You don't have to care about the implementation of JPA. JBoss choose Hibernate, Glassfish choose TopLink, but they are all doing the same thing. The whole idéa is that you don't have to care about the underlying mechanism/implementation.

So, if you are using pure JPA, then you should go for the standard behaviour of the apllication server's implementation. On the other hand, if you are using special features of for example TopLink, or if you aren't satisfied with the standard implementation (in this case Hibernate), then of course you should go for TopLink if you find TopLink solve your problems.

Kind regards

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