[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: <s:selectItems> not recognized in seam 1.2.0 patch1

juangiovanolli do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue Mar 20 14:27:44 EDT 2007

yes. this is:

  | <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
  | <ui:component xmlns:ui="http://java.sun.com/jsf/facelets"
  | 	xmlns:t="http://myfaces.apache.org/tomahawk"
  | 	xmlns:h="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html"
  | 	xmlns:f="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core"
  | 	xmlns:c="http://java.sun.com/jstl/core"
  | 	xmlns:s="http://jboss.com/products/seam/taglib"
  | 	xmlns:a4j="https://ajax4jsf.dev.java.net/ajax"
  | 	xmlns:platform="http://www.santexstandard.com/jsf"
  | 	xmlns:darwin="http://www.santexstandard.com/jsf/darwin"
  | 	xmlns:iu="http://www.sun.com/web/ui">
  | 	<ui:decorate template="formInputTemplate.xhtml">
  | 		<ui:define name="input">
  | 			<c:if test="#{not empty inputLabel}">
  | 				<c:set var="inputLookupKey" value="#{inputLabel}" />
  | 			</c:if>
  | 			<c:if test="#{not empty fieldName and empty inputLabel}">
  | 				<c:set var="inputLookupKey" value="#{itemName}.#{fieldName}" />
  | 			</c:if>
  | 			<c:if test="#{empty inputType}">
  | 				<c:set var="inputType" value="text" />
  | 			</c:if>
  | 			<c:if test="#{empty inputId}">
  | 				<c:set var="inputId" value="#{fieldName}" />
  | 			</c:if>
  | 			<c:if test="#{empty fieldName and inputType == 'location'}">
  | 				<c:set var="inputId" value="location" />
  | 			</c:if>
  | 			<c:if test="#{empty size}">
  | 				<c:set var="size" value="5" />
  | 			</c:if>
  | 			<c:if test="#{empty required}">
  | 				<c:set var="required" value="false" />
  | 			</c:if>
  | 			<c:if test="#{empty disabled}">
  | 				<c:set var="disabled" value="false" />
  | 			</c:if>
  | 			<c:if test="#{empty isFromBackingBean}">
  | 				<c:set var="isFromBackingBean" value="true" />
  | 			</c:if>
  | 			<!--  pxh -->
  | 			<c:if test="#{empty bindingValue and isFromBackingBean == 'true'}">
  | 				<c:choose>
  | 					<c:when test="#{formType == 'search'}">
  | 						<c:set var="bindingValue" value="#{backingBean[fieldName].value}" />
  | 					</c:when>
  | 					<c:otherwise>
  | 						<c:set var="bindingValue" value="#{backingBean[fieldName]}" />
  | 					</c:otherwise>
  | 				</c:choose>
  | 			</c:if>
  | 			<c:if test="#{empty converterId}">
  | 				<c:choose>
  | 					<c:when test="#{formType == 'search'}">
  | 						<c:choose>
  | 							<c:when test="#{inputType == 'combobox'}">
  | 								<c:set var="converterId" value="idSearchObjectConverter" />
  | 							</c:when>
  | 							<c:otherwise>
  | 								<c:set var="converterId" value="defaultSearchObjectConverter" />
  | 							</c:otherwise>
  | 						</c:choose>
  | 					</c:when>
  | 					<c:otherwise>
  | 						<c:set var="converterId" value="simpleIdObjectConverter" />
  | 					</c:otherwise>
  | 				</c:choose>
  | 			</c:if>
  | 			<!--  end pxh -->
  | 			<c:if test="#{not empty nestedObject}">
  | 				<c:set var="bindingValue" value="#{nestedObject[fieldName]}" />
  | 			</c:if>
  | 			<h:outputLabel for="#{inputId}">
  | 				<c:if test="#{required == 'true'}">
  | 					<span>*</span>
  | 				</c:if>
  | 				<h:outputText value="#{messages[inputLookupKey]}" />
  | 			</h:outputLabel>
  | 			<s:decorate>
  | 				<f:facet name="aroundInvalidField">
  | 					<s:div styleClass="error" />
  | 				</f:facet>
  | 				<f:facet name="afterInvalidField">
  | 					<darwin:formInputMessage />
  | 				</f:facet>
  | 				<c:choose>
  | 					<c:when test="#{inputType == 'text'}">
  | 						<h:inputText id="#{inputId}" value="#{bindingValue}"
  | 							required="#{required}" disabled="#{disabled}" />
  | 					</c:when>
  | 					<c:when test="#{inputType == 'number'}">
  | 						<h:inputText id="#{inputId}" value="#{bindingValue}"
  | 							required="#{required}" disabled="#{disabled}">
  | 							<f:converter converterId="#{converterId}" />
  | 						</h:inputText>
  | 					</c:when>
  | 					<c:when test="#{inputType == 'calendar'}">
  | 						<platform:calendar inputId="#{inputId}"
  | 							bindingValue="#{bindingValue}" required="#{required}"
  | 							disabled="#{disabled}" />
  | 					</c:when>
  | 					<c:when test="#{inputType == 'secret'}">
  | 						<h:inputSecret id="#{inputId}" value="#{bindingValue}"
  | 							required="#{required}" disabled="#{disabled}" />
  | 					</c:when>
  | 					<c:when test="#{inputType == 'textArea'}">
  | 						<h:inputTextarea id="#{inputId}" value="#{bindingValue}"
  | 							required="#{required}" />
  | 					</c:when>
  | 					<c:when test="#{inputType == 'combobox'}">
  | 						<h:selectOneMenu id="#{inputId}" value="#{bindingValue}"
  | 							required="#{required}" disabled="#{disabled}">
  | 							<c:if test="#{not empty valueChangeListener}">
  | 								<f:attribute name="valueChangeListener"
  | 									value="#{valueChangeListener}" />
  | 								<f:attribute name="onchange" value="submit()" />
  | 							</c:if>
  | 							<c:if test="#{not empty enumType}">
  | 								<f:converter converterId="enumConverter" />
  | 								<c:forEach items="#{darwinWebUtil[enumType]}"
  | 									var="enumItemValue">
  | 									<c:set var="enumItemLabel"
  | 										value="#{enumItemValue.class.name}.#{enumItemValue}" />
  | 									<f:selectItem itemValue="#{enumItemValue}"
  | 										itemLabel="#{messages[enumItemLabel]}" />
  | 								</c:forEach>
  | 							</c:if>
  | 							<c:if test="#{empty enumType}">
  | 								<f:converter converterId="#{converterId}" />
  | 								<f:selectItems value="#{itemsList}" />
  | 							</c:if>
  | 						</h:selectOneMenu>
  | 					</c:when>
  | 					<c:when test="#{inputType == 'standardCombobox'}">
  | 						<h:selectOneMenu id="#{inputId}" value="#{bindingValue}"
  | 							required="#{required}" disabled="#{disabled}">
  | 							<c:if test="#{not empty valueChangeListener}">
  | 								<f:attribute name="valueChangeListener"
  | 									value="#{valueChangeListener}" />
  | 								<f:attribute name="onchange" value="submit()" />
  | 							</c:if>
  | 							<f:selectItems value="#{itemsList}" />
  | 						</h:selectOneMenu>
  | 					</c:when>
  | 					<c:when test="#{inputType == 'noFacesListBox'}">
  | 						<select id="#{inputId}" size="#{size}">
  | 							<c:forEach items="#{itemsList}" var="itemValue">
  | 								<option value="#{itemValue}">#{itemValue}</option>
  | 							</c:forEach>
  | 						</select>
  | 					</c:when>
  | 					<c:when test="#{inputType == 'checkbox'}">
  | 						<h:selectBooleanCheckbox id="#{inputId}" value="#{bindingValue}"
  | 							disabled="#{disabled}" />
  | 					</c:when>
  | 					<c:when test="#{inputType == 'email'}">
  | 						<h:inputText id="#{inputId}" value="#{bindingValue}"
  | 							required="#{required}" disabled="#{disabled}">
  | 							<t:validateEmail />
  | 						</h:inputText>
  | 					</c:when>
  | 					<c:when
  | 						test="#{inputType == 'location' and
  | 								not empty countryFldName and
  | 								not empty regionFldName and
  | 								not empty cityFldName and
  | 								empty fieldName}">
  | 						<!-- DISPLAY COUNTRIES -->
  | 						<a4j:status startStyle="font-color:red" stopText="Ready"
  | 							startText="Request under process" /> -->
  | 					<h:selectOneMenu id="#{countryFldName}"
  | 							value="#{backingBean[countryFldName]}" required="#{required}"
  | 							disabled="#{disabled}">
  | 							<f:selectItem itemLabel="arg" itemValue="arg" />
  | 							<f:selectItem itemLabel="bra" itemValue="bra" />
  | 						</h:selectOneMenu>
  | 						<!-- DISPLAY REGIONS -->
  | 						<h:selectOneMenu id="#{regionFldName}"
  | 							value="#{backingBean[regionFldName]}" required="#{required}"
  | 							disabled="#{disabled}">
  | 							<f:selectItem itemLabel="arg" itemValue="arg" />
  | 							<f:selectItem itemLabel="bra" itemValue="bra" />
  | 						</h:selectOneMenu>
  | 						<!-- DISPLAY CITIES -->
  | 						<h:selectOneMenu id="#{cityFldName}"
  | 							value="#{backingBean[cityFldName]}" required="#{required}"
  | 							disabled="#{disabled}">
  | 							<f:selectItem itemLabel="arg" itemValue="arg" />
  | 							<f:selectItem itemLabel="bra" itemValue="bra" />
  | 						</h:selectOneMenu>
  | 					</c:when>
  | 					<c:when test="#{inputType == 'oneToMany'}" >
  | 					<h:selectManyListbox id="#{inputId}" value="#{bindingValue}" title="Selected Values" >
  | 						<f:converter converterId="#{converterId}" />
  | 						<f:selectItems value="#{roleHome.allValues}" />
  | 					</h:selectManyListbox>
  | 					</c:when>
  | 				</c:choose>
  | 				<!-- Insert nested components -->
  | 				<ui:insert />
  | 			</s:decorate>
  | 		</ui:define>
  | 	</ui:decorate>
  | </ui:component>

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