[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - proper use of asynchronous

javajoe220 do-not-reply at jboss.com
Mon Mar 26 11:49:52 EDT 2007


We have a fairly large app that behaves as follows:

*A user begins by doing a search
*A list of results are returned and the user selects one
*Once a result is selected several other areas are initialized via the Event/Observer pattern
*The user can now navigate to many other areas with all the necessary initializing having already occurred with either the data available already or the ability to get the data already established

I would really like to alter this initialization phase to use the Event.raiseAsynchronousEvent functionality.  If I do this with no changes to the system but using "raiseAsynchronousEvent" rather than just "raiseEvent" the code works how ever the initialzed SSB are not in the conversation context.  I read that the asynchronous functionality does not have access to the conversational context so I understand why that does not work, so what would be the best way to go about this?  Should the init code place the initialzied objects in the application context then when the conversationally scoped SSB need them pull them out?  Is there a better or recommend way?

Thank you!

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