[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Mathematical captcha & Email obfuscator

Homer J. do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue May 1 18:04:32 EDT 2007

Thanks for your review once again Peter but - again - there are some parts I don't understand ;)

So here it goes, you said:
anonymous wrote : JSF components need explicit rather than implicit attributes and to support EL
What do you mean with explicit & implicit attributes? Is it bad that the email tags are derived from the obfuscator tags?
Regarding the EL: if you do something like:
<s:email value="#{user.email}" /> it will work so I'm not sure what you mean.

Regarding nested tag support: while I theoretically agree with you there is not much point in it because now both tags are derived from HtmlOutputText and therefore behave in a similar way. E.g.:
  | 	<h:outputText styleClass="foo" value="bar" />
  | </p>
  | <p>
  | 	<h:outputText styleClass="foo">bar</h:outputText>
  | </p>
results in
  | 	<span class="foo">bar</span>
  | </p>
  | <p>
  | 	bar<span class="foo"></span>
  | </p>
So everything in the body is rendered before the tags - which can be done by simply writing it before the tag too.

Last but not least you said that the default behavior of the email tag should be to do no obfuscation. I don't see why because the whole point of this tag is to obfuscate email addresses so this would only result in more writing for the normal user while other people still could manually write unobfuscated addresses down.
Therefore my suggestion would be to add obfuscation="none" so people can use the tag without obfuscation - although I don't see a reason why anyone should do that.

The rest is changed like you suggested!

I'm looking forward to your response.

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