[jboss-user] [Beginners Corner] - The performance of JBoss clustering puzzled me
do-not-reply at jboss.com
Sun May 13 05:14:30 EDT 2007
Hi guys:
I?m new to JBoss clustering and apache.
Has anyone met problem like this? I use JBoss cluster to test my JSPs,but its performance was not so great,and even badly than the performace without clustering. Here is my environment:
I have three servers:
The first one (ip:
Windows XP sp2
512M memory
JBoss 4.04GA
The second one (ip:
Windows XP sp2
256M memory
JBoss 4.04GA
The last one (ip:
Windows 2003 Server Enterprise Edition
1G memory
Apache 2.0.59
The compiled in modules of the Apache is:
httpd.config of apache on
ServerRoot "C:\Program Files\CSS\Apache2"
| PidFile logs/httpd.pid
| Timeout 300
| KeepAlive On
| MaxKeepAliveRequests 0
| KeepAliveTimeout 15
| <IfModule mpm_winnt.c>
| ThreadsPerChild 250
| MaxRequestsPerChild 0
| </IfModule>
| Listen 8888
| LoadModule access_module modules/mod_access.so
| LoadModule actions_module modules/mod_actions.so
| LoadModule alias_module modules/mod_alias.so
| LoadModule asis_module modules/mod_asis.so
| LoadModule auth_module modules/mod_auth.so
| LoadModule autoindex_module modules/mod_autoindex.so
| LoadModule cgi_module modules/mod_cgi.so
| LoadModule dir_module modules/mod_dir.so
| LoadModule env_module modules/mod_env.so
| LoadModule imap_module modules/mod_imap.so
| LoadModule include_module modules/mod_include.so
| LoadModule isapi_module modules/mod_isapi.so
| LoadModule log_config_module modules/mod_log_config.so
| LoadModule mime_module modules/mod_mime.so
| LoadModule negotiation_module modules/mod_negotiation.so
| LoadModule setenvif_module modules/mod_setenvif.so
| LoadModule userdir_module modules/mod_userdir.so
| LoadModule ssl_module modules/mod_ssl.so
| ServerAdmin ddpie.flea at gmail.com
| ServerName
| UseCanonicalName Off
| <Directory />
| Options FollowSymLinks
| AllowOverride None
| </Directory>
| DirectoryIndex index.html index.html.var index.jsp
| <FilesMatch "^\.ht">
| Order allow,deny
| Deny from all
| </FilesMatch>
| DefaultType text/plain
| HostnameLookups Off
| LogLevel debug
| LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\"" combined
| LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b" common
| LogFormat "%{Referer}i -> %U" referer
| LogFormat "%{User-agent}i" agent
| CustomLog logs/access.log common
| CustomLog logs/referer.log referer
| CustomLog logs/agent.log agent
| CustomLog logs/access.log combined
| ServerTokens Full
| ServerSignature On
| AliasMatch ^/manual(?:/(?:de|en|es|fr|ja|ko|ru))?(/.*)?$ "F:/Apache2/manual$1"
| IndexOptions FancyIndexing VersionSort
| IndexIgnore .??* *~ *# HEADER* README* RCS CVS *,v *,t
| AddLanguage ca .ca
| AddLanguage cs .cz .cs
| AddLanguage da .dk
| AddLanguage de .de
| AddLanguage el .el
| AddLanguage en .en
| AddLanguage eo .eo
| AddLanguage es .es
| AddLanguage et .et
| AddLanguage fr .fr
| AddLanguage he .he
| AddLanguage hr .hr
| AddLanguage it .it
| AddLanguage ja .ja
| AddLanguage ko .ko
| AddLanguage ltz .ltz
| AddLanguage nl .nl
| AddLanguage nn .nn
| AddLanguage no .no
| AddLanguage pl .po
| AddLanguage pt .pt
| AddLanguage pt-BR .pt-br
| AddLanguage ru .ru
| AddLanguage sv .sv
| AddLanguage zh-CN .zh-cn
| AddLanguage zh-TW .zh-tw
| LanguagePriority en ca cs da de el eo es et fr he hr it ja ko ltz nl nn no pl pt pt-BR ru sv zh-CN zh-TW
| ForceLanguagePriority Prefer Fallback
| AddCharset ISO-8859-1 .iso8859-1 .latin1
| AddCharset ISO-8859-2 .iso8859-2 .latin2 .cen
| AddCharset ISO-8859-3 .iso8859-3 .latin3
| AddCharset ISO-8859-4 .iso8859-4 .latin4
| AddCharset ISO-8859-5 .iso8859-5 .latin5 .cyr .iso-ru
| AddCharset ISO-8859-6 .iso8859-6 .latin6 .arb
| AddCharset ISO-8859-7 .iso8859-7 .latin7 .grk
| AddCharset ISO-8859-8 .iso8859-8 .latin8 .heb
| AddCharset ISO-8859-9 .iso8859-9 .latin9 .trk
| AddCharset ISO-2022-JP .iso2022-jp .jis
| AddCharset ISO-2022-KR .iso2022-kr .kis
| AddCharset ISO-2022-CN .iso2022-cn .cis
| AddCharset Big5 .Big5 .big5
| AddCharset WINDOWS-1251 .cp-1251 .win-1251
| AddCharset CP866 .cp866
| AddCharset KOI8-r .koi8-r .koi8-ru
| AddCharset KOI8-ru .koi8-uk .ua
| AddCharset ISO-10646-UCS-2 .ucs2
| AddCharset ISO-10646-UCS-4 .ucs4
| AddCharset UTF-8 .utf8
| AddCharset GB2312 .gb2312 .gb
| AddCharset utf-7 .utf7
| AddCharset utf-8 .utf8
| AddCharset big5 .big5 .b5
| AddCharset EUC-TW .euc-tw
| AddCharset EUC-JP .euc-jp
| AddCharset EUC-KR .euc-kr
| AddCharset shift_jis .sjis
| Include conf/mod-jk.conf
The workers.properties of apache on is:
| #JBoss on
| worker.node26.port=8009
| worker.node26.host=
| worker.node26.type=ajp13
| worker.node26.lbfactor=1
| worker.node26.cachesize=10
| #JBoss on
| worker.node79.port=8009
| worker.node79.host=
| worker.node79.type=ajp13
| worker.node79.lbfactor=1
| worker.node79.cachesize=10
| worker.loadbalancer.type=lb
| worker.loadbalancer.balance_workers=node26,node79
| worker.loadbalancer.sticky_session=0
| worker.status.type=status
A part of the configration in server.xml in tomcat of JBoss( is :
<Connector port="8080" address="${jboss.bind.address}"
| maxThreads="250" strategy="ms" maxHttpHeaderSize="8192"
| emptySessionPath="true"
| enableLookups="false" redirectPort="8443" acceptCount="100"
| connectionTimeout="20000" disableUploadTimeout="true"/>
| <Connector port="8009" address="${jboss.bind.address}"
| emptySessionPath="true" enableLookups="false" redirectPort="8443"
| scheme="https" protocol="AJP/1.3"/>
| <Connector port="8443" address="${jboss.bind.address}"
| maxThreads="100" strategy="ms" maxHttpHeaderSize="8192"
| emptySessionPath="true"
| scheme="https" secure="true" clientAuth="false"
| keystoreFile="${jboss.server.home.dir}/conf/server.keystore"
| connectionTimeout="8000"
| keystorePass="12345678" sslProtocol = "TLS" />
| <Engine name="jboss.web" defaultHost="localhost" jvmRoute="node26">
I used LoadRunner to record the script of visiting the JSPs in JBoss,and used JProfiler to monitor the JBoss on
I tested three times(50 virtual users visit the JSPs parallely 20 minutes.The CPU time involves the time of starting the JBoss service):
Here is the table of the tests results:
If cann't displayed,see http://picasaweb.google.com/ddpie.flea/JBoss/photo#5063968585782417570.
I doubt apache was the bottleneck,but I don?t know where the problem is with my configration of apache.
Does anyone know?
Thanks in advance.^o^
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