[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Wrong datatable var type
do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu May 31 14:15:17 EDT 2007
I used the clickable list example described in chapter 1.3 in the reference guide to create my own list page, but I have some:
when I try to display the datatable
The weird thing is that the same Object is in the DataModel and in the "var" of my datatable:
| certif com.fitnetapplication.certifications.entity.CertificationList at 1faa588
| certificationList com.fitnetapplication.certifications.entity.CertificationList at 1faa588
(This comes from the debug page)
Here is my bean code :
| @Stateless
| @Name("myCertifications")
| public class MyCertificationsBean implements MyCertifications {
| @Logger private Log log;
| @In FacesMessages facesMessages;
| @DataModel
| private List<Certification> certificationList;
| @DataModelSelection
| @Out(required=false)
| private Certification certification;
| @In(value="entityManager")
| private EntityManager em;
| @In(value="loggedCollaborateur", required=false, create=true)
| Collaborateur loggedCollaborateur;
| @Factory("certificationList")
| public void findMessages()
| {
| (...) blablabla, I'm fetching all my list (...)
| }
My page :
| <h:dataTable id="certificationList"
| var="certif"
| value="#{certificationList}" >
| <h:column>
| <f:facet name="header">
| <s:link styleClass="columnHeader"
| value="certificationId #{certificationList.order=='certificationId asc' ? messages.down : ( certificationList.order=='certificationId desc' ? messages.up : '' )}">
| <f:param name="order" value="#{certificationList.order=='certificationId asc' ? 'certificationId desc' : 'certificationId asc'}"/>
| </s:link>
| </f:facet>
| <h:outputText value="#{certif.certificationId}"></h:outputText>
| </h:column>
| etc (...)
I also tried with a rich:datatable but it didn't change.
What am I doing wring here ?
Why isn't there any "Certification" objects in my "certif" var in the jsf page ?
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