[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: JSTL Test Boolean Question

samdoyle do-not-reply at jboss.com
Mon Nov 5 19:16:52 EST 2007

Excellent and thanks, that did the trick.


"matt.drees" wrote : c:when is evaluated when the component tree is created (typically right at the beginning of the renderResponse phase).  It's used to determine which components get added to the tree.  I'm guessing you want the decision to be made later, for each row.  So you actually want both components added to the tree, but you only want one or the other rendered for any given row.
  | So, you probably want something like this:
  |   | <rich:column>
  |   |       <h:outputText value="#{sop.name}" style="color:#ff0000" rendered="#{sop.isRequired}"/> 
  |   |       <h:outputText value="#{sop.name}" rendered="#{not sop.isRequired}"/> 
  |   | </rich:column>
  |   | 

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