[jboss-user] [JBoss Tools (users)] - Re: JBoss Tools Documentation

bdlink do-not-reply at jboss.com
Fri Nov 9 21:37:05 EST 2007

I guess what I would find useful (after trying generate-entries on an earlier test project) would be something that either maps entities to tables, or generates tables from entities, but since in either case, the mapping probably needs some ability for human guidance.  For example, given a schema, a tool can not guess whether I want to navigate both directions, may not be able to guess if a relation is 1-1 or 1-n (at least generate entities turned my 1-1 relationships to 1-n, even though I had put unique constraints on the table to force only one interpretation).  Another example which could not be guessed from the schema is if I want the entities to be in an inheritance relationship.

My main issue with generate entities is not that it guesses wrong, but that after hand-fixing the entities, the other artifacts need massive editing, and it is hard to be sure I have found everything.  If I restart the project (to perhaps use a new version of the tools or seam) I have to go through the entire process again.

As well, the CRUD pages generate-entities creates are interesting from the standpoint of a demo, and for seeing how they are done, however, I am not convinced I would want these pages for creating and updating generated for each table (For example, that is not how to handle an associative table that implements a many-many relationship).  So generate-entities seems to create a lot of things that have to be edited/deleted.  (apropos names, it generates a lot more than entities)

I may be wrong in the above feelings, but in any case, generating EJB3 entities/session beans is a useful separate thing from getting everything seam generate entities creates.  

Is there a place that the use cases for RHDS are described?

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