[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Nested conversation with custom id.

ng.tech do-not-reply at jboss.com
Fri Nov 23 17:07:33 EST 2007

Hey there,

I'm trying to create nested conversation with a custom id generator.

- @begin(nested=true, id...) is deprecated so i cannot use it.
- I can't figure it out how to make it work in pages.xml with the  tag; and i can't find any informations on the internet on how to use this correctly.
- Last idea is to use the API (didn't try it yet), but i'm not sure this is a proper way to do this. 

The reason why I'm trying to do this, is the fact that i need to clearly differentiate  conversations.  Which means that I need to know when I'm listing the conversationList collection if the current conversation is of type "A" or of type "B". The only way I'm thinking is to customize the conversation Id. If you see other ways I'll be very interested in hearing them.


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