[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Ajax and Pageflow very slow

pietermartin do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Nov 28 11:25:10 EST 2007

While I'm at it might as well mention another bug/feature I have encoutered. When an exception is thrown from a method called by an expresion in the page-definition, then it swallowed by the SeamExpression in its 

  | return new Expression() 
  |         {
  |             private MethodExpression me;
  |             private ValueExpression ve; 
  |             private void initMethodExpression() 
  |             {
  |                 me = EL.EXPRESSION_FACTORY.createMethodExpression(EL.EL_CONTEXT, expression, returnType, new Class[0]);
  |             }
  |             private void initValueExpression() 
  |             {
  |                 ve = EL.EXPRESSION_FACTORY.createValueExpression(EL.EL_CONTEXT, expression, returnType);
  |             }
  |             @Override
  |             public Object evaluate(VariableResolver resolver) throws ELException
  |             {
  |                 try {
  |                     try {
  |                         if (me==null && ve==null) 
  |                         {
  |                             initMethodExpression();
  |                         }
  |                         if (me!=null && ve==null) 
  |                         {
  |                             return me.invoke(createELContext(resolver, mapper), new Object[0]);
  |                         }
  |                     } 
  |                     catch (javax.el.ELException e) 
  |                     {                                    
  |                         if (ve==null) 
  |                         {
  |                             initValueExpression();
  |                         }
  |                         if (ve!=null) 
  |                         {
  |                             return ve.getValue(createELContext(resolver, mapper));
  |                         }
  |                     }
  |                     throw new ELException();
  |                 }
  |                 catch (javax.el.ELException e) 
  |                 {
  |                     throw new ELException(e);
  |                 }
  |             }
  |         };

I then catch a JbpmException but there is no access to the original exception anymore.

I am also not sure whether an exception element in pages.xml is suppose to work during a page flow. I can not get it to work and am forced to put decision nodes for every action I call from the page flow.

Any help appreciated.


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