[jboss-user] [JBoss AOP] - Re: Catching LazyInitialization exception within an Intercep

jtonic do-not-reply at jboss.com
Fri Nov 30 11:20:57 EST 2007

anonymous wrote : However in the general case where I have no knowledge of my object's getters/setters methods name, it is getting a bit more complicated.

You are very right. I'm working also for a LIE solution, but I use some hibernate stuff. I have also the same problem that U've mentioned. IMHO reflection is the solution.

The following are the hibernate methods that help me doing  the LIE interceptor:

session.lock(object, LockType);

Regards, jtonic

"mlouna" wrote : You're absolutely right. 
  | I can cast the following to a set of Objects
  | Set<Object> mySet = (Set<Object>)methodInvocation.getCalledMethod().invoke(methodInvocation.getTargetObject(), methodInvocation.getArguments());
  |   | 		
  | and then loop through it with
  | Iterator iter = mySet.iterator();
  | In the particular cases where I know my object type I can call
  | parent.getChildren().getChildName() and indeed catch the thrown Lazy Init Exception
  | However in the general case where I have no knowledge of my object's getters/setters methods name, it is getting a bit more complicated.
  | Will have to think of method refelction solution. 

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