[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] data modeling

José Moreira jose.moreira at josemoreira.net
Tue Oct 2 12:08:40 EDT 2007

Hello again,

yesterday i finally had a little more time to dedicate to jboss seam but
im stuck.

I (think) i want to implement the Seam actions as stateful session beans
and delegate data acess to POJO's for reusability,
but i cant inject the POJO's in the Seam actions (components)

for example (if i remember exactly the code i wrote):

class UserDao

     EntityManager em;

     User find(String username, String password)

class TestAction {
     private UserDao userDao;



i get NullPointerException using userDao (not injected).

Im close to have vacations and i will devour the Seam documentation and
code ;)

king regards
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