[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Unexpected rendering
do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Oct 3 12:35:52 EDT 2007
Hi to all.
This is a question arising from testing jsf 1.2_04 and JBoss 4.2.1GA.
I don't use Seam but I don't know where post this message else.
The question is:
I've isolated the JBoss Jsf from my war via jboss-web.xml.
My managed bean's method forwards this jsp:
| <body>
| <f:view>
| <h:form>
| <h:commandLink action="#{tipologicaStandardForm.modifyingPage}" value="Outside dataTable"></h:commandLink>
| <h:dataTable value="#{tipologicaStandardForm.elencoRecord}" var="tipologicaStandard">
| <h:column>
| <h:commandLink action="#{tipologicaStandardForm.modifyingPage}" value="#{tipologicaStandard.code}"></h:commandLink>
| </h:column>
| <h:column>
| <h:commandLink action="#{tipologicaStandardForm.modifyingPage}"><h:outputText value="#{tipologicaStandard.description}"/> </h:commandLink>
| </h:column>
| </h:dataTable>
| <h:commandButton value="#{messagesBundle.insert}" action="#{tipologicaStandardForm.modifyingPage}"></h:commandButton>
| </h:form>
| </f:view>
| </body>
You can read that there are three <h:commandLink action="#{tipologicaStandardForm.modifyingPage}"... one outside datatable, the other two inside.
The datatable works correctly but, only the first link goes to server and call the "modifyingPage" method.
The others are rendered as simple anchor.
Is this a recognized bug?
Must I configure Jboss in some way?
Thanks in advance.
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