[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Trinidad/TreeTable and how to determine selected rows

chane do-not-reply at jboss.com
Fri Oct 12 00:23:39 EDT 2007

I am using the Trinidad TreeTable component.  We present the component and the user can select a number of rows.  When an commandButton is selected, we are trying to figure out a good way to get the selected rows in our method call.

Here's what we have:

Facelets fragment

  |    <tr:form id="frm">
  |       <tr:messages/>
  |       <tr:panelHorizontalLayout>
  |          <f:facet name="separator"><tr:spacer width="8px"/></f:facet>
  |          <tr:panelHeader text="Courses">
  |             <tr:panelButtonBar>
  |                <tr:commandButton text="Save" action="#{lister.save}" id="btn_save"/>
  |             </tr:panelButtonBar>
  |          </tr:panelHeader>
  |       </tr:panelHorizontalLayout>
  |       <tr:treeTable var="foo" 
  |                     value="#{lister.tree}"
  |                     rowSelection="multiple"
  |                     selectionListener="#{lister.selectionBindingMethod}">
  |               <f:facet name="nodeStamp">
  |                 <tr:column>
  |                   <f:facet name="header">
  |                     <tr:outputText value="Name"/>
  |                   </f:facet> 
  |                 <tr:outputFormatted value="#{foo.name} : #{foo.type} : #{foo.id}"/>
  |                 </tr:column>
  |               </f:facet>
  |       </tr:treeTable>
  |     </tr:form>

And the Seam component is:

  | @Name("lister")
  | @Stateful
  | @LoggedIn
  | public class CourseLister implements ICourseLister {
  |    TransferObject root;   
  |    private TreeModel tree;
  |    public String save(){
  |       System.out.println("SAVE DONE>>>>");
  |       return null;
  |    }
  |    public String showCourses(){
  |       //<snip creation of a transfer object that contains the tree/>
  |       //convert the root object into a Trinidad TreeModel
  |       tree = new ChildPropertyTreeModel(root, "children");
  |       return "viewList";
  |    }
  |    public void selectionBindingMethod(SelectionEvent event){
  |       System.out.println("selectionBindingMethod["+event+"]");
  |       UIXCollection table = (UIXCollection)event.getSource();
  |       for(Iterator<Object> i = ((UIXTree)table).getSelectedRowKeys().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ){
  |          Object n = i.next();
  |          AppUtils.LOG.fatal("KEYSET ITERATION["+n+"] class["+n.getClass().getName()+"]");
  |          table.setRowKey(n);
  |          TransferObject to = (TransferObject)table.getRowData();       
  |       }      
  |    }
  |    public TreeModel getTree(){
  |       AppUtils.LOG.fatal("GET TREE............");
  |       return tree;
  |    }
  | }

Since we can not bind the tree component to the class (this is a conversation scoped bean), we are using the selectionListener.

However, the listener is not getting called until *after* the commandButton lister.save action is called (that is the button that is pressed).  Therefore, I don't have the information in the save method about what rows are selected.

Thoughts on other approaches to try?

Seam 1.2.p1
jboss 4.0.4


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