[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: jPDL Designer 3.1.0SP1 and Eclipse 3.3: ClassCastExcepti
do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue Oct 16 12:26:14 EDT 2007
Thanks for the responses.
First, I tried getting all of those dependencies. That's a lot of dependencies and downloads and must be a block to any non-eclipse-guru end user. Certainly put me off. And downloading them didn't fix the problem.
Second, I suspect a bug in the 3.2.2 suite download, and specifically in the designer 3.1.0SP1 plugin for Eclipse, as included in the suite 3.2.2 download.
I set up a little project and added the ui.jar file from jbpm-jpdl-3.2.2\designer\eclipse\plugins\org.jbpm.gd.jpdl_3.1.0.SP1 to the build path then set up the following class:
import org.jbpm.gd.common.model.GenericElement;
| import org.jbpm.gd.jpdl.model.ProcessDefinition;
| public class Play {
| public static void main(String[] args) {
| ProcessDefinition pd = new ProcessDefinition();
| GenericElement ge = (GenericElement)pd;
| }
| }
It gives me the following compile error:
anonymous wrote : Cannot cast from ProcessDefinition to GenericElement
Examining the classes in the ui.jar file, ProcessDefinition doesn't extend GenericElement (though they do share a common parent in org.jbpm.gd.common.model.AbstractSemanticElement) so unless I've gone soft in the head (entirely possible) or am missing some other vital piece of info (also entirely possible) I don't see how a cast from ProcessDefinition to GenericElement is ever going to work.
What does everyone else think. Am I going mad here?
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