[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: conversations, propagations etc ... - need explanation

jacob.orshalick do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Oct 17 11:41:23 EDT 2007

"amashtakov" wrote : I'm using 1.2.1GA

Yes, 1.2.1.GA uses clr (conversation-long-running-parameter="clr").

There are essentially 2 scenarios:

- GET - conversation attributes passed in query string (the situation you are referring to)
- POST - conversation attributes posted with the form not in the query string (handled transparently by Seam but feel free to parse the code to see the finer details)

So if you use an h:commandLink, h:commandButton, etc, a POST will be initiated which will transparently send the values along with the form.  Due to this, the browser cached page will include the values along with the form which is why the back button works.

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