[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Multiple methods calls and SFSB creation
do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Oct 18 12:29:41 EDT 2007
Greetings all,
I have the following code. When the page is displayed, the surveyManager.eventTrackSessions method is called three times. And within that chain of calls, a new instance of the SFSB is created. Can anyone tell me why this is happening?
Seam 1.2.1
JSF 1.2
Richfaces 3.1.0
<!DOCTYPE composition PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
| "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
| <ui:composition xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
| xmlns:s="http://jboss.com/products/seam/taglib"
| xmlns:ui="http://java.sun.com/jsf/facelets"
| xmlns:f="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core"
| xmlns:h="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html"
| xmlns:a4j="http://richfaces.org/a4j"
| xmlns:rich="http://richfaces.org/rich" template="layout/template.xhtml">
| <ui:define name="body">
| <h:messages globalOnly="true" styleClass="message" />
| <rich:panel>
| <f:facet name="header">Thread: #{selectedTrack.title}</f:facet>
| <rich:spacer height="15" />
| <h:form id="sessionSelection">
| <h:outputText value="Select Technology: " />
| <rich:spacer width="5" />
| <h:selectOneListbox value="#{surveyManager.selectedCsessionId}"
| size="1" immediate="true">
| <f:converter converterId="javax.faces.Integer" />
| <f:selectItems value="#{surveyManager.eventTrackSessions}" />
| </h:selectOneListbox>
| <rich:spacer width="15"/>
| <h:commandButton value="List"
| action="#{surveyManager.selectedCsessionValueChangeListener}" />
| </h:form>
| </rich:panel>
| </ui:define>
| </ui:composition>
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