[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Aditional update without press update button

rbcdexia do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Oct 25 11:25:34 EDT 2007

I have a relation 1...n between Boleta pojo and Contrapartida pojo. When I want to update the Boleta fields and I have to select a Contrapartida pojo, Seam makes a default update without I have press update button. 

I use bypassUpdates="true" with the simple Boleta fields and it works fine(not additional updates). The problem comes when I want to update the Boleta pojo setting a new Contrapartida When I return from Auditoria Select page to Boleta Edit page it makes an additional update without I have pressed any button. 

How can I change this? How can I controll the transaction? Why does seam realice this additional update?

This is my BoletaEdit.page.xml.

  | <page no-conversation-view-id="/BoletaList.xhtml"
  |                login-required="true">
  |    <begin-conversation  join="true"/>
  |    <action execute="#{boletaHome.wire}"/>
  |    <param name="boletaFrom"/>
  |    <param name="boletaBoletaid" value="#{boletaHome.boletaBoletaid}"/>
  |    <param name="contrapartidaFrom"/>
  |    <param name="contrapartidaContrapartidaid" value="#{contrapartidaHome.contrapartidaContrapartidaid}"/>
  |    <navigation from-action="#{boletaHome.persist}">
  |        <end-conversation/>
  |        <redirect view-id="/Boleta.xhtml"/>
  |    </navigation>
  |    <navigation from-action="#{boletaHome.update}">
  |        <end-conversation/>
  |        <redirect view-id="/Boleta.xhtml"/>
  |    </navigation>
  |    <navigation from-action="#{boletaHome.remove}">
  |        <end-conversation/>
  |        <redirect view-id="/BoletaList.xhtml"/>
  |    </navigation>
  | </page>

This is my BoletaEdit.xhtml

  | <ui:define name="body">
  |     <h:messages globalOnly="true" styleClass="message" id="globalMessages"/>
  |     <h:form id="boleta" styleClass="edit">
  |         <rich:panel>
  |             <f:facet name="header">#{messages['Edit']} #{messages['Boleta']}</f:facet>
  |             <s:decorate id="loginDecoration" template="layout/edit.xhtml">
  |                 <ui:define name="label">#{messages['Usuario']}</ui:define>
  |                 <h:inputText id="login" 
  |                        required="true"
  |                            size="12"
  |                       maxlength="12"
  |                           value="#{boletaHome.instance.login}">
  |                     <a:support event="onblur" reRender="loginDecoration" bypassUpdates="true"/>
  |                 </h:inputText>
  |             </s:decorate>
  |             <s:decorate id="tipoopeDecoration" template="layout/edit.xhtml">
  |                 <ui:define name="label">#{messages['Tipo operación']}</ui:define>
  |                 <h:inputText id="tipoope" 
  |                        required="true"
  |                            size="2"
  |                       maxlength="2"
  |                           value="#{boletaHome.instance.tipoope}">
  |                     <a:support event="onblur" reRender="tipoopeDecoration" bypassUpdates="true"/>
  |                 </h:inputText>
  |             </s:decorate>
  |             <div style="clear:both">
  |                 <span class="required">*</span> 
  |                 #{messages['required.fields']}
  |             </div>
  |         </rich:panel>
  |         <div class="actionButtons">
  |             <h:commandButton id="save" 
  |                           value="#{messages['Save']}" 
  |                          action="#{boletaHome.persist}"
  |                        disabled="#{!boletaHome.wired}"
  |                        rendered="#{!boletaHome.managed}"/>  
  |             <h:commandButton id="update" 
  | 			  value="#{messages['Update']}"
  |                          action="#{boletaHome.update}"
  |                        rendered="#{boletaHome.managed}"/>
  |             <s:button id="done" 
  | 		   value="#{messages['Done']}"                                             
  |              propagation="end"
  |                     view="/Boleta.xhtml"
  |                 rendered="#{boletaHome.managed}"/>
  |             <s:button id="cancel" 
  | 		   value="#{messages['Cancel']}"                                                         
  |              propagation="end"
  |                     view="/#{empty boletaFrom ? 'BoletaList' : boletaFrom}.xhtml"
  |                 rendered="#{!boletaHome.managed}"/>
  |         </div>
  |     </h:form>
  | <rich:tabPanel switchType="ajax">
  |     <rich:tab label="#{messages['Contrapartida']} *" labelClass="required">
  |     <div class="association" id="contrapartidaParent">
  |         <h:outputText value="#{messages['No hay asociada una contrapartida']}" 
  |                    rendered="#{boletaHome.instance.contrapartida == null}"/>                   
  |         <rich:dataTable var="contrapartida" 
  |                    value="#{boletaHome.instance.contrapartida}" 
  |                 rendered="#{boletaHome.instance.contrapartida != null}"
  |               rowClasses="rvgRowOne,rvgRowTwo"
  |                       id="contrapartidaTable">
  |             <h:column>
  |                 <f:facet name="header">#{messages['Nombre']}</f:facet>                
  |                 #{contrapartida.nombre}
  |             </h:column>
  |             <h:column>
  |                 <f:facet name="header">#{messages['Cuenta']}</f:facet>                
  |                 #{contrapartida.cuenta}
  |             </h:column>
  |             <h:column>
  |                 <f:facet name="header">#{messages['BIC']}</f:facet>                
  |                 #{contrapartida.bic}
  |             </h:column>
  |             <h:column>
  |                 <f:facet name="header">#{messages['action']}</f:facet>
  |                 <s:link view="/Contrapartida.xhtml" 
  |                         id="viewcontrapartida" 
  |                         value="#{messages['View']}" 
  |                         propagation="none">
  |                     <f:param name="contrapartidaContrapartidaid" 
  |                              value="#{contrapartida.contrapartidaid}"/>
  |                 </s:link>
  |             </h:column>
  |         </rich:dataTable>
  |         <div class="actionButtons">
  |             <s:button value="#{messages['Select']} #{messages['Contrapartida']}"
  |                view="/ContrapartidaList.xhtml">
  |                 <f:param name="from" value="BoletaEdit"/>
  |             </s:button>
  |         </div>
  |     </div>
  |     </rich:tab>
  | </rich:tabPanel>
  | </ui:define>
  | </ui:composition>

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