[jboss-user] [JBoss and NetBeans] - Re: Netbeans + Seam Plugin = Success !!

ybxiang.wolf do-not-reply at jboss.com
Mon Sep 24 23:18:17 EDT 2007

"ericcart" wrote : 
  | I didn't try sem-gen command line. I used all the others tools. For example Jboss IDE Beta, creating a JBoss IDE Project (EAR, WAR and EJB... and adding the libraries and files). I thought Seam was supported... It's very tricky to configure and the environment does not help.
  | I just checked sem-gen command line... ant setup... ant new-project... etc... It's very far from I was looking for.... and seam documentation does not describe to use it as a fundamental thing to configure a project  (may be, because It's not very handy to be running ant commands).
  | The key with netbeans is that Seam Plugin uses sem-gen command line as a wizard (very easy to create all the project configuration).
  | In a couple of hours, I migrated all the tests and I'm working with the final project at netbeans.
  | Thanks,
  | Anibal

~~~~~~~~~Does Your netbeans die frequently? In my pc, it dies whenever i open about 10 windows!!! And Netbeans' seamplugin for 6.0 cann't be found!

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