[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Entity Convert

atzbert do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Sep 26 05:33:31 EDT 2007

Hi there..

I have a very similar problem. In fact I am fighting with it for weeks now, postponing its solution over and over...I don't know when it happened the first time, but it arose out of the blue.
I am using Seam 1.2.1GA on JBoss 4.0.5GA with Facelets, Ajax4JSF, seam managed persisten context, and JSF 1.2 RI.
It's the User entity, a select many dropdown will give me random invalid values for the select items in it. Say, there are 10 values in that list, all are shown, then the first, the 3rd and maybe the fifth will be accepted all others receive a "value is not valid". On the same page I am using the selectItems with another entity type (Customer) with no problem at all. Further I am deriving my entities all from a DbItem super class which ensures ID equality and such...
I tried nearly everything imaginable. Changed the entity name, refactored the class name, copied the entityConverter and overrode it with my more verbose implementation. I really have no idea why this happens only for this particular entity. I was even migrating to Seam-2CR1 tested it shortly and noticed the same problem, but with a minor difference: after trying to apply the values, i.e. submitting the form, the rerendered paged showed empty labels in the dropdown, with all values set to ??.noSelectionValue???...

Does this sound familiar to anybody? Or is there anybody out there having an idea for a possible solution?


The XHTML piece:

  |             <h:selectOneMenu value="#{query.example.cataloguer}" id="item_cataloguer">                
  |                 <s:selectItems value="#{allUserList.resultList}" var="user" label="#{user.stringRep}"/>
  |                 <s:convertEntity/>
  |             </h:selectOneMenu>

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