[jboss-user] Re: Problems with oracle datasource with UseJBossWebLoader set to true

Jay Kraly jaykraly at gmail.com
Sun Apr 6 14:55:08 EDT 2008

Any idea how to fix my classloading problem described below?

On Fri, Apr 4, 2008 at 5:28 PM, Jay Kraly <jaykraly at gmail.com> wrote:

> I have a security realm setup similar to the DatabaseServerLoginModule
> which uses jndi to retrieve a datasource defined in an oracle-ds.xml file.
> Everything works fine when UseJBossWebLoader is set to true, however if I
> set this to false, the datasource returned by the initial context lookup is
> null.  I'm fairly positive that the classloader isn't able to find my
> ojdbc14.jar file which contains the oracle driver when UseJBossWebLoader is
> false.
> I've tried moving the oracle jar out of my web-app and into the deploy/lib
> directory as well as a couple other creative locations, but it still won't
> load the drivers or connect to the database.
> Any ideas?  Thanks in advance.
> -J
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