[jboss-user] Re: silent ntlm authentiaction using spnego and jcifs

Rohnny Moland rmoland at gmail.com
Mon Apr 7 08:44:19 EDT 2008

Okay, figured it out in a way. The number I got is just decoded. Doing
this I get the user name:

final String user = NegotiateUtil.extractUserId(req);

But I still dont get why I get a decoded user instead of the real
user. Somebody here knows what I am missing?


On Mon, Apr 7, 2008 at 2:06 PM, Rohnny Moland <rmoland at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
>  I am trying to get a j2ee application up and running on jboss with
>  sso. For that, I have followed this:
>  http://wiki.jboss.org/wiki/NegotiateKerberos
>  To test it, I have set up a dns server and a domain controller and a
>  user in active directory service which belongs to a group named
>  JBossAdmin. From the logs, it seems to work fine. I get the principal
>  (the user in ad) back and in the request the authentication type is
>  set to negotiate.
>  But when I try to get the remote user from the request, it returns a
>  number, looks like some sort of id, and I dont really understand it.
>  Could someone help me with the why and how I could get the user from
>  active directory? I assume request.getRemoteUser() should return the
>  user in ad.
>  I have attached some of the log output.
>  Kind regards,
>  Rohnny

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