[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: jBPM concurrency
do-not-reply at jboss.com
Fri Apr 18 04:11:34 EDT 2008
The code for jbpm
| package test.jpdl.test;
| import java.io.IOException;
| import org.jbpm.graph.def.ProcessDefinition;
| import org.jbpm.graph.exe.ProcessInstance;
| public class TestSomJpdl {
| ProcessDefinition processDefinition = ProcessDefinition.parseXmlString(
| "<process-definition>" +
| " <start-state>" +
| " <transition to='s' />" +
| " </start-state>" +
| " <node name='s'>" +
| " <action class='test.jpdl.test.MyActionHandler' config-type='field'>" +
| " <mensaje>#{mensaje}</mensaje>"+
| " </action>"+
| " <transition to='s1'/>" +
| " </node>" +
| " <node name='s1'>" +
| " <action class='test.jpdl.test.MyActionHandler' config-type='field'>" +
| " <mensaje>#{mensaje}</mensaje>"+
| " </action>"+
| " <transition to='s2'/>" +
| " </node>" +
| " <node name='s2'>" +
| " <action class='test.jpdl.test.MyActionHandler' config-type='field'>" +
| " <mensaje>#{mensaje}</mensaje>"+
| " </action>"+
| " <transition to='s3'/>" +
| " </node>" +
| " <node name='s3'>" +
| " <action class='test.jpdl.test.MyActionHandler' config-type='field'>" +
| " <mensaje>#{mensaje}</mensaje>"+
| " </action>"+
| " <transition to='s4'/>" +
| " </node>" +
| " <node name='s4'>" +
| " <action class='test.jpdl.test.MyActionHandler' config-type='field'>" +
| " <mensaje>#{mensaje}</mensaje>"+
| " </action>"+
| " <transition to='s5'/>" +
| " </node>" +
| " <node name='s5'>" +
| " <action class='test.jpdl.test.MyActionHandler' config-type='field'>" +
| " <mensaje>#{mensaje}</mensaje>"+
| " </action>"+
| " <transition to='s6'/>" +
| " </node>" +
| " <node name='s6'>" +
| " <action class='test.jpdl.test.MyActionHandler' config-type='field'>" +
| " <mensaje>#{mensaje}</mensaje>"+
| " </action>"+
| " <transition to='s7'/>" +
| " </node>" +
| " <node name='s7'>" +
| " <action class='test.jpdl.test.MyActionHandler' config-type='field'>" +
| " <mensaje>#{mensaje}</mensaje>"+
| " </action>"+
| " <transition to='s8'/>" +
| " </node>" +
| " <node name='s8'>" +
| " <action class='test.jpdl.test.MyActionHandler' config-type='field'>" +
| " <mensaje>#{mensaje}</mensaje>"+
| " </action>"+
| " <transition to='s9'/>" +
| " </node>" +
| " <node name='s9'>" +
| " <action class='test.jpdl.test.MyActionHandler' config-type='field'>" +
| " <mensaje>#{mensaje}</mensaje>"+
| " </action>"+
| " <transition to='s10'/>" +
| " </node>" +
| " <node name='s10'>" +
| " <action class='test.jpdl.test.MyActionHandler' config-type='field'>" +
| " <mensaje>#{mensaje}</mensaje>"+
| " </action>"+
| " <transition to='s11'/>" +
| " </node>" +
| " <node name='s11'>" +
| " <action class='test.jpdl.test.MyActionHandler' config-type='field'>" +
| " <mensaje>#{mensaje}</mensaje>"+
| " </action>"+
| " <transition to='s12'/>" +
| " </node>" +
| " <node name='s12'>" +
| " <action class='test.jpdl.test.MyActionHandler' config-type='field'>" +
| " <mensaje>#{mensaje}</mensaje>"+
| " </action>"+
| " <transition to='s13'/>" +
| " </node>" +
| " <node name='s13'>" +
| " <action class='test.jpdl.test.MyActionHandler' config-type='field'>" +
| " <mensaje>#{mensaje}</mensaje>"+
| " </action>"+
| " <transition to='s14'/>" +
| " </node>" +
| " <node name='s14'>" +
| " <action class='test.jpdl.test.MyActionHandler' config-type='field'>" +
| " <mensaje>#{mensaje}</mensaje>"+
| " </action>"+
| " <transition to='s15'/>" +
| " </node>" +
| " <node name='s15'>" +
| " <action class='test.jpdl.test.MyActionHandler' config-type='field'>" +
| " <mensaje>#{mensaje}</mensaje>"+
| " </action>"+
| " <transition to='s16'/>" +
| " </node>" +
| " <node name='s16'>" +
| " <action class='test.jpdl.test.MyActionHandler' config-type='field'>" +
| " <mensaje>#{mensaje}</mensaje>"+
| " </action>"+
| " <transition to='s17'/>" +
| " </node>" +
| " <node name='s17'>" +
| " <action class='test.jpdl.test.MyActionHandler' config-type='field'>" +
| " <mensaje>#{mensaje}</mensaje>"+
| " </action>"+
| " <transition to='s18'/>" +
| " </node>" +
| " <node name='s18'>" +
| " <action class='test.jpdl.test.MyActionHandler' config-type='field'>" +
| " <mensaje>#{mensaje}</mensaje>"+
| " </action>"+
| " <transition to='s19'/>" +
| " </node>" +
| " <node name='s19'>" +
| " <action class='test.jpdl.test.MyActionHandler' config-type='field'>" +
| " <mensaje>#{mensaje}</mensaje>"+
| " </action>"+
| " <transition to='s20'/>" +
| " </node>" +
| " <node name='s20'>" +
| " <action class='test.jpdl.test.MyActionHandler' config-type='field'>" +
| " <mensaje>#{mensaje}</mensaje>"+
| " </action>"+
| " <transition to='end'/>" +
| " </node>" +
| " <end-state name='end' />" +
| "</process-definition>"
| );
| float globalMin = 0;
| float globalMax = 0;
| float globalSum = 0;
| float globalNum = 0;
| private void performanceMultiThread(int nThreads, int nExecutions){
| for (int i=0;i<nThreads;i++){
| new ProcessRunner(i, nExecutions);
| }
| try {
| System.in.read();
| } catch (IOException e) {
| e.printStackTrace();
| }
| System.out.println("Process stats:");
| System.out.println("Total exec time: " + globalSum);
| System.out.println("Total executions: " + globalNum);
| System.out.println("Min. exec. time: " + globalMin);
| System.out.println("Max. exec. time: " + globalMax);
| System.out.println("Avg. exec. time: " + (globalSum/globalNum));
| }
| class ProcessRunner implements Runnable{
| Thread t;
| int n;
| int execNumber;
| public ProcessRunner(int execNumber, int n) {
| this.n = n;
| this.execNumber = execNumber;
| t = new Thread(this, "Hilo hijo");// Crea un nuevo hilo
| t.start(); // Comienza el hilo
| }
| public void run() {
| performance(n);
| }
| public void performance(int n){
| float min = 0;
| float max = 0;
| float sum = 0;
| float num = 0;
| long timestamp = 0;
| float time = 0;
| // Initial
| timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
| ProcessInstance processInstance =
| new ProcessInstance(processDefinition);
| processInstance.getContextInstance().setTransientVariable("mensaje", "Prueba");
| processInstance.signal();
| System.out.println("Initial execution time: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - timestamp));
| // Burst
| for(int i=0; i<n; i++, num++){
| timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
| processInstance =
| new ProcessInstance(processDefinition);
| processInstance.getContextInstance().setTransientVariable("mensaje", "Prueba");
| processInstance.signal();
| time = System.currentTimeMillis() - timestamp;
| time = System.currentTimeMillis() - timestamp;
| globalNum += 1;
| sum += time;
| globalSum += time;
| // min
| min = (time<=min)?time:min;
| globalMin = (time<=min)?time:min;
| // max
| max = (time>=max)?time:max;
| globalMax = (time>=max)?time:max;
| }
| if (processInstance.hasEnded()){
| System.out.println("[+"+execNumber+"]:Process stats:");
| System.out.println("[+"+execNumber+"]:Total exec time: " + sum);
| System.out.println("[+"+execNumber+"]:Total executions: " + num);
| System.out.println("[+"+execNumber+"]:Min. exec. time: " + min);
| System.out.println("[+"+execNumber+"]:Max. exec. time: " + max);
| System.out.println("[+"+execNumber+"]:Avg. exec. time: " + (sum/num));
| }else{
| System.out.println("ProcessInstance has not ended");
| }
| }
| }
| public static void main(String[] args) {
| TestSomJpdl test = new TestSomJpdl();
| // test.performanceMultiThread(1, 10000);
| // test.performanceMultiThread(10, 1000);
| // test.performanceMultiThread(100, 100);
| // test.performanceMultiThread(1, 100000);
| // test.performanceMultiThread(10, 10000);
| test.performanceMultiThread(100, 1000);
| }
| }
The code for PVM:
| package com.hp.som.jpdl.test;
| import java.io.IOException;
| import java.util.HashMap;
| import java.util.Map;
| import org.jbpm.pvm.Activity;
| import org.jbpm.pvm.Execution;
| import org.jbpm.pvm.ProcessDefinition;
| import org.jbpm.pvm.ProcessFactory;
| public class TestSomPVM {
| ProcessDefinition processDefinition = ProcessFactory.build("automatic")
| .node("1").initial().behaviour(new Display("1"))
| .transition().to("2")
| .node("2").behaviour(new Display("2"))
| .transition().to("3")
| .node("3").behaviour(new Display("3"))
| .transition().to("4")
| .node("4").behaviour(new Display("4"))
| .transition().to("5")
| .node("5").behaviour(new Display("5"))
| .transition().to("6")
| .node("6").behaviour(new Display("6"))
| .transition().to("7")
| .node("7").behaviour(new Display("7"))
| .transition().to("8")
| .node("8").behaviour(new Display("8"))
| .transition().to("9")
| .node("9").behaviour(new Display("9"))
| .transition().to("10")
| .node("10").behaviour(new Display("10"))
| .transition().to("11")
| .node("11").behaviour(new Display("11"))
| .transition().to("12")
| .node("12").behaviour(new Display("12"))
| .transition().to("13")
| .node("13").behaviour(new Display("13"))
| .transition().to("14")
| .node("14").behaviour(new Display("14"))
| .transition().to("15")
| .node("15").behaviour(new Display("15"))
| .transition().to("16")
| .node("16").behaviour(new Display("16"))
| .transition().to("17")
| .node("17").behaviour(new Display("17"))
| .transition().to("18")
| .node("18").behaviour(new Display("18"))
| .transition().to("19")
| .node("19").behaviour(new Display("19"))
| .transition().to("20")
| .node("20").behaviour(new Display("20"))
| .done();
| private void performanceMultiThread(int nThreads, int nExecutions){
| for (int i=0;i<nThreads;i++){
| new ProcessRunner(i, nExecutions);
| }
| try {
| System.in.read();
| } catch (IOException e) {
| e.printStackTrace();
| }
| System.out.println("Process stats:");
| System.out.println("Total exec time: " + globalSum);
| System.out.println("Total executions: " + globalNum);
| System.out.println("Min. exec. time: " + globalMin);
| System.out.println("Max. exec. time: " + globalMax);
| System.out.println("Avg. exec. time: " + (globalSum/globalNum));
| }
| public class Display implements Activity {
| private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
| String message;
| public Display(String message) {
| this.message = message;
| }
| public void execute(Execution execution) {
| }
| }
| float globalMin = 0;
| float globalMax = 0;
| float globalSum = 0;
| float globalNum = 0;
| class ProcessRunner implements Runnable{
| Thread t;
| int n;
| int execNumber;
| public ProcessRunner(int execNumber, int n) {
| this.n = n;
| this.execNumber = execNumber;
| t = new Thread(this, "Hilo hijo");// Crea un nuevo hilo
| t.start(); // Comienza el hilo
| }
| public void run() {
| performance(n);
| }
| public void performance(int n){
| float min = 0;
| float max = 0;
| float sum = 0;
| float num = 0;
| long timestamp = 0;
| float time = 0;
| Map<String, Object> variables = new HashMap<String, Object>();
| variables.put("mensaje", "Prueba");
| variables.put("contador", new Integer(0));
| // Initial
| timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
| Execution execution = processDefinition.startExecution(variables);
| if (execution.isEnded()){
| System.out.println("Initial execution time: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - timestamp));
| }else{
| System.out.println("Execution is not ended.");
| }
| // Burst
| for(int i=0; i<n; i++, num++){
| timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
| execution = processDefinition.startExecution(variables);
| time = System.currentTimeMillis() - timestamp;
| globalNum += 1;
| sum += time;
| globalSum += time;
| // min
| min = (time<=min)?time:min;
| globalMin = (time<=min)?time:min;
| // max
| max = (time>=max)?time:max;
| globalMax = (time>=max)?time:max;
| }
| if (execution.isEnded()){
| System.out.println("[+"+execNumber+"]:Process stats:");
| System.out.println("[+"+execNumber+"]:Total exec time: " + sum);
| System.out.println("[+"+execNumber+"]:Total executions: " + num);
| System.out.println("[+"+execNumber+"]:Min. exec. time: " + min);
| System.out.println("[+"+execNumber+"]:Max. exec. time: " + max);
| System.out.println("[+"+execNumber+"]:Avg. exec. time: " + (sum/num));
| }else{
| System.out.println("Execution is not ended.");
| }
| }
| }
| public static void main(String[] args) {
| TestSomPVM test = new TestSomPVM();
| // test.performanceMultiThread(1, 10000);
| // test.performanceMultiThread(10, 1000);
| // test.performanceMultiThread(100, 100);
| // test.performanceMultiThread(1, 100000);
| // test.performanceMultiThread(10, 10000);
| test.performanceMultiThread(100, 1000);
| }
| }
The action Handlers for the jBpm version:
| package test.jpdl.test;
| import org.jbpm.graph.def.ActionHandler;
| import org.jbpm.graph.exe.ExecutionContext;
| public class MyActionHandler implements ActionHandler {
| private String mensaje = null;
| public void setMensaje(String mensaje) {
| this.mensaje = mensaje;
| }
| public void execute(ExecutionContext executionContext) throws Exception {
| executionContext.leaveNode();
| }
| }
And needed imports.
You should see that this is a fairly easy example, as those posted in Tom`s blog, where it stated "awesome performance"
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