[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - where is my data?

renavatior do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue Apr 22 23:55:18 EDT 2008

"renavatior" wrote : i am using jbpm3.2.2+struts2+mysql to develop a work flow demo,but when i deploy the ProcessDefination in JBPM designer plugin,there are no datas in my mysql schema tables,such as JBPM_PROCESSDEFINATION,JBPM_NODE....
  | what is the reason?
  | does any one can help me?
  | configure files
  | jbpm.cfg.xml:
  |   | <jbpm-configuration>
  |   | 
  |   |   <jbpm-context>
  |   |     <service name="persistence" factory="org.jbpm.persistence.db.DbPersistenceServiceFactory"/>
  |   |     <service name="tx" factory="org.jbpm.tx.TxServiceFactory"/>
  |   |     <service name="message" factory="org.jbpm.msg.db.DbMessageServiceFactory" />
  |   |     <service name="scheduler" factory="org.jbpm.scheduler.db.DbSchedulerServiceFactory" />
  |   |     <service name="logging" factory="org.jbpm.logging.db.DbLoggingServiceFactory" />
  |   |     <service name="authentication" factory="org.jbpm.security.authentication.DefaultAuthenticationServiceFactory" />
  |   |  </jbpm-context>
  |   |   
  |   |   <!-- configuration resource files pointing to default configuration files in jbpm-{version}.jar -->
  |   |   <string name ="resource.hibernate.cfg.xml" value="hibernate.cfg.xml"/>
  |   |   <string name="resource.business.calendar" value="org/jbpm/calendar/jbpm.business.calendar.properties" />
  |   |   <string name="resource.default.modules" value="org/jbpm/graph/def/jbpm.default.modules.properties" />
  |   |   <string name="resource.converter" value="org/jbpm/db/hibernate/jbpm.converter.properties" />
  |   |   <string name="resource.action.types" value="org/jbpm/graph/action/action.types.xml" />
  |   |   <string name="resource.node.types" value="org/jbpm/graph/node/node.types.xml" />
  |   |   <string name="resource.parsers" value="org/jbpm/jpdl/par/jbpm.parsers.xml" />
  |   |   <string name="resource.varmapping" value="org/jbpm/context/exe/jbpm.varmapping.xml" />
  |   | 
  |   |   <int name="jbpm.byte.block.size" value="1024" singleton="true" />
  |   |   <bean name="jbpm.task.instance.factory" class="org.jbpm.taskmgmt.impl.DefaultTaskInstanceFactoryImpl" singleton="true" />
  |   |   <bean name="jbpm.variable.resolver" class="org.jbpm.jpdl.el.impl.JbpmVariableResolver" singleton="true" />
  |   |   <long name="jbpm.msg.wait.timout" value="5000" singleton="true" />
  |   | </jbpm-configuration>
  |   | 
  |   | 
  | hibernate.cfg.xml:
  |   | <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
  |   | 
  |   | <!DOCTYPE hibernate-configuration PUBLIC
  |   |           "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Configuration DTD 3.0//EN"
  |   |           "http://hibernate.sourceforge.net/hibernate-configuration-3.0.dtd">
  |   | 
  |   | <hibernate-configuration>
  |   |   <session-factory>
  |   | 
  |   |     <!-- hibernate dialect -->
  |   |     <property name="hibernate.dialect">org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLInnoDBDialect</property>
  |   | 
  |   |     <!-- JDBC connection properties (begin) -->
  |   |     <property name="hibernate.connection.driver_class">com.mysql.jdbc.Driver</property>
  |   |     <property name="hibernate.connection.url">jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/jbpm322</property>
  |   |     <property name="hibernate.connection.username">root</property>
  |   |     <property name="hibernate.connection.password">123123</property>
  |   |   		    <!-- JDBC connection properties (end) -->
  |   |     
  |   |      
  |   |     <property name="hibernate.cache.provider_class">org.hibernate.cache.HashtableCacheProvider</property>
  |   |     <property name="hibernate.transaction.factory_class">org.hibernate.transaction.JDBCTransactionFactory</property>
  |   |     
  |   |        
  |   |     
  |   |   
  |   |     <!-- logging properties (begin) ===-->
  |   |     <property name="hibernate.show_sql">true</property>
  |   |     <property name="hibernate.format_sql">true</property>
  |   |     <property name="hibernate.use_sql_comments">true</property>
  |   |      <!--==== logging properties (end) -->
  |   |     
  |   |     <!-- ############################################ -->
  |   |     <!-- # mapping files with external dependencies # -->
  |   |     <!-- ############################################ -->
  |   | 
  |   |     <!-- following mapping file has a dependendy on   -->
  |   |     <!-- 'bsh-{version}.jar'.                         -->
  |   |     <!-- uncomment this if you don't have bsh on your -->
  |   |     <!-- classpath.  you won't be able to use the     -->
  |   |     <!-- script element in process definition files   -->
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/graph/action/Script.hbm.xml"/>
  |   | 
  |   |     <!-- following mapping files have a dependendy on  -->
  |   |     <!-- 'jbpm-identity.jar', mapping files            -->
  |   |     <!-- of the pluggable jbpm identity component.     -->
  |   |     <!-- Uncomment the following 3 lines if you        -->
  |   |     <!-- want to use the jBPM identity mgmgt           -->
  |   |     <!-- component.                                    -->
  |   |     <!-- identity mappings (begin) -->
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/identity/User.hbm.xml"/>
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/identity/Group.hbm.xml"/>
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/identity/Membership.hbm.xml"/>
  |   |     <!-- identity mappings (end) -->
  |   |     
  |   |     <!-- following mapping files have a dependendy on  -->
  |   |     <!-- the JCR API                                   -->
  |   |     <!-- jcr mappings (begin) ===
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/context/exe/variableinstance/JcrNodeInstance.hbm.xml"/>
  |   |     ==== jcr mappings (end) -->
  |   | 
  |   | 
  |   |     <!-- ###################### -->
  |   |     <!-- # jbpm mapping files # -->
  |   |     <!-- ###################### -->
  |   | 
  |   |     <!-- hql queries and type defs -->
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/db/hibernate.queries.hbm.xml" />
  |   | 
  |   |     <!-- graph.action mapping files -->
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/graph/action/MailAction.hbm.xml"/>
  |   |     
  |   |     <!-- graph.def mapping files -->
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/graph/def/ProcessDefinition.hbm.xml"/>
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/graph/def/Node.hbm.xml"/>
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/graph/def/Transition.hbm.xml"/>
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/graph/def/Event.hbm.xml"/>
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/graph/def/Action.hbm.xml"/>
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/graph/def/SuperState.hbm.xml"/>
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/graph/def/ExceptionHandler.hbm.xml"/>
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/instantiation/Delegation.hbm.xml"/>
  |   | 
  |   |     <!-- graph.node mapping files -->
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/graph/node/StartState.hbm.xml"/>
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/graph/node/EndState.hbm.xml"/>
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/graph/node/ProcessState.hbm.xml"/>
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/graph/node/Decision.hbm.xml"/>
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/graph/node/Fork.hbm.xml"/>
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/graph/node/Join.hbm.xml"/>
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/graph/node/MailNode.hbm.xml"/>
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/graph/node/State.hbm.xml"/>
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/graph/node/TaskNode.hbm.xml"/>
  |   | 
  |   |     <!-- context.def mapping files -->
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/context/def/ContextDefinition.hbm.xml"/>
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/context/def/VariableAccess.hbm.xml"/>
  |   | 
  |   |     <!-- taskmgmt.def mapping files -->
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/taskmgmt/def/TaskMgmtDefinition.hbm.xml"/>
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/taskmgmt/def/Swimlane.hbm.xml"/>
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/taskmgmt/def/Task.hbm.xml"/>
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/taskmgmt/def/TaskController.hbm.xml"/>
  |   | 
  |   |     <!-- module.def mapping files -->
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/module/def/ModuleDefinition.hbm.xml"/>
  |   | 
  |   |     <!-- bytes mapping files -->
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/bytes/ByteArray.hbm.xml"/>
  |   | 
  |   |     <!-- file.def mapping files -->
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/file/def/FileDefinition.hbm.xml"/>
  |   | 
  |   |     <!-- scheduler.def mapping files -->
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/scheduler/def/CreateTimerAction.hbm.xml"/>
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/scheduler/def/CancelTimerAction.hbm.xml"/>
  |   | 
  |   |     <!-- graph.exe mapping files -->
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/graph/exe/Comment.hbm.xml"/>
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/graph/exe/ProcessInstance.hbm.xml"/>
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/graph/exe/Token.hbm.xml"/>
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/graph/exe/RuntimeAction.hbm.xml"/>
  |   | 
  |   |     <!-- module.exe mapping files -->
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/module/exe/ModuleInstance.hbm.xml"/>
  |   |         
  |   |     <!-- context.exe mapping files -->
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/context/exe/ContextInstance.hbm.xml"/>
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/context/exe/TokenVariableMap.hbm.xml"/>
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/context/exe/VariableInstance.hbm.xml"/>
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/context/exe/variableinstance/ByteArrayInstance.hbm.xml"/>
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/context/exe/variableinstance/DateInstance.hbm.xml"/>
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/context/exe/variableinstance/DoubleInstance.hbm.xml"/>
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/context/exe/variableinstance/HibernateLongInstance.hbm.xml"/>
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/context/exe/variableinstance/HibernateStringInstance.hbm.xml"/>
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/context/exe/variableinstance/LongInstance.hbm.xml"/>
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/context/exe/variableinstance/NullInstance.hbm.xml"/>
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/context/exe/variableinstance/StringInstance.hbm.xml"/>
  |   | 
  |   |     <!-- job mapping files -->
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/job/Job.hbm.xml"/>
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/job/Timer.hbm.xml"/>
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/job/ExecuteNodeJob.hbm.xml"/>
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/job/ExecuteActionJob.hbm.xml"/>
  |   | 
  |   |     <!-- taskmgmt.exe mapping files -->
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/taskmgmt/exe/TaskMgmtInstance.hbm.xml"/>
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/taskmgmt/exe/TaskInstance.hbm.xml"/>
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/taskmgmt/exe/PooledActor.hbm.xml"/>
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/taskmgmt/exe/SwimlaneInstance.hbm.xml"/>
  |   | 
  |   |     <!-- logging mapping files -->
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/logging/log/ProcessLog.hbm.xml"/>
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/logging/log/MessageLog.hbm.xml"/>
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/logging/log/CompositeLog.hbm.xml"/>
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/graph/log/ActionLog.hbm.xml"/>
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/graph/log/NodeLog.hbm.xml"/>
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/graph/log/ProcessInstanceCreateLog.hbm.xml"/>
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/graph/log/ProcessInstanceEndLog.hbm.xml"/>
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/graph/log/ProcessStateLog.hbm.xml"/>
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/graph/log/SignalLog.hbm.xml"/>
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/graph/log/TokenCreateLog.hbm.xml"/>
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/graph/log/TokenEndLog.hbm.xml"/>
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/graph/log/TransitionLog.hbm.xml"/>
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/context/log/VariableLog.hbm.xml"/>
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/context/log/VariableCreateLog.hbm.xml"/>
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/context/log/VariableDeleteLog.hbm.xml"/>
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/context/log/VariableUpdateLog.hbm.xml"/>
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/context/log/variableinstance/ByteArrayUpdateLog.hbm.xml"/>
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/context/log/variableinstance/DateUpdateLog.hbm.xml"/>
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/context/log/variableinstance/DoubleUpdateLog.hbm.xml"/>
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/context/log/variableinstance/HibernateLongUpdateLog.hbm.xml"/>
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/context/log/variableinstance/HibernateStringUpdateLog.hbm.xml"/>
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/context/log/variableinstance/LongUpdateLog.hbm.xml"/>
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/context/log/variableinstance/StringUpdateLog.hbm.xml"/>
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/taskmgmt/log/TaskLog.hbm.xml"/>
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/taskmgmt/log/TaskCreateLog.hbm.xml"/>
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/taskmgmt/log/TaskAssignLog.hbm.xml"/>
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/taskmgmt/log/TaskEndLog.hbm.xml"/>
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/taskmgmt/log/SwimlaneLog.hbm.xml"/>
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/taskmgmt/log/SwimlaneCreateLog.hbm.xml"/>
  |   |     <mapping resource="org/jbpm/taskmgmt/log/SwimlaneAssignLog.hbm.xml"/>
  |   |     
  |   |   </session-factory>
  |   | </hibernate-configuration>
  |   | 
  |   | 
  | processDefination.xml
  |   | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  |   | 
  |   | <process-definition  xmlns=""  name="helloworld">
  |   | 	<start-state name="start">
  |   | 		<transition to="state1" name="tr1"></transition>
  |   | 	</start-state>
  |   | 	<state name="state1">
  |   | 		<transition to="end" name="tr2"></transition>
  |   | 	</state>
  |   | 	<end-state name="end"></end-state>
  |   | </process-definition>
  |   | 
  | the ouput of my deploy in console:
  |   | DEBUG [2008-04-21 17:45:27,495] (CacheFactory.java:39) - instantiating cache region: org.jbpm.graph.def.Node usage strategy: nonstrict-read-write
  |   | DEBUG [2008-04-21 17:45:27,775] (CacheFactory.java:39) - instantiating cache region: org.jbpm.instantiation.Delegation usage strategy: nonstrict-read-write
  |   | DEBUG [2008-04-21 17:45:28,466] (CacheFactory.java:39) - instantiating cache region: org.jbpm.taskmgmt.def.Task usage strategy: nonstrict-read-write
  |   | DEBUG [2008-04-21 17:45:28,977] (CacheFactory.java:39) - instantiating cache region: org.jbpm.graph.def.ProcessDefinition usage strategy: nonstrict-read-write
  |   | DEBUG [2008-04-21 17:45:29,287] (CacheFactory.java:39) - instantiating cache region: org.jbpm.graph.def.ExceptionHandler usage strategy: nonstrict-read-write
  |   | DEBUG [2008-04-21 17:45:29,317] (CacheFactory.java:39) - instantiating cache region: org.jbpm.graph.def.Action usage strategy: nonstrict-read-write
  |   | DEBUG [2008-04-21 17:45:29,367] (CacheFactory.java:39) - instantiating cache region: org.jbpm.module.def.ModuleDefinition usage strategy: nonstrict-read-write
  |   | ....
  |   | DEBUG [2008-04-21 17:45:33,523] (CacheFactory.java:39) - instantiating cache region: org.jbpm.graph.def.Node.exceptionHandlers usage strategy: nonstrict-read-write
  |   | DEBUG [2008-04-21 17:45:33,533] (CacheFactory.java:39) - instantiating cache region: org.jbpm.graph.def.Transition.events usage strategy: nonstrict-read-write
  |   | Hibernate: 
  |   |     /* named HQL query GraphSession.findLatestProcessDefinitionQuery */ select
  |   |         processdef0_.ID_ as ID1_4_,
  |   |         processdef0_.NAME_ as NAME3_4_,
  |   |         processdef0_.DESCRIPTION_ as DESCRIPT4_4_,
  |   |         processdef0_.VERSION_ as VERSION5_4_,
  |   |         processdef0_.ISTERMINATIONIMPLICIT_ as ISTERMIN6_4_,
  |   |         processdef0_.STARTSTATE_ as STARTSTATE7_4_ 
  |   |     from
  |   |         JBPM_PROCESSDEFINITION processdef0_ 
  |   |     where
  |   |         processdef0_.NAME_=? 
  |   |     order by
  |   |         processdef0_.VERSION_ desc limit ?
  |   | Hibernate: 
  |   |     /* insert org.jbpm.graph.def.ProcessDefinition
  |   |         */ insert 
  |   |         into
  |   |             JBPM_PROCESSDEFINITION
  |   |         values
  |   |             (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, 'P')
  |   | Hibernate: 
  |   |     /* insert org.jbpm.graph.node.StartState
  |   |         */ insert 
  |   |         into
  |   |             JBPM_NODE
  |   |         values
  |   |             (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, 'R')
  |   | ....
  |   | 
  | when i check the data in JBPM_NODE  JBPM_PROCESSDEFINITION,I found nothing,why?

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