[jboss-user] [Installation, Configuration & DEPLOYMENT] - Re: running EJB pplication in jboss giving NoClassDefFoundEr

Shiveeta do-not-reply at jboss.com
Fri Apr 25 05:06:27 EDT 2008

the classpath i am setting in My computer-> Properties -> Environment variables. the build.xml used is :- 
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
  | <!-- 
  | 	Ant build file for the documentation tutorial code
  | 	Writer of a chapter with an example have to include a foroward
  | 	to their build file.  This latest build file suppose arguments 
  | 	sets here :
  | 		src.dir : Directory where the source are : manual\src\examples
  | 		build.dir : Base directory where to store generated files (class/ejb/war/...)
  | 		classpath : Classpath used to make any compilation (set up here by verifing 
  | 			which version of JBoss is used.
  |   -->
  | <project name="CMP" default="main" basedir="../">
  |     <property name="env" environment="env" value="" location=""/>
  |     <!-- Override with your JBoss server dist location if the JBOSS_DIST env var is not set -->
  |     <property name="jboss.dist" value="${env.JBOSS_DIST}"/>
  |     <!-- Override with your web server servlet jar location. The default assumes that
  |        JBOSS_DIST points to a JBoss/Tomcat bundle distribution
  |      -->
  |     <property name="servlet.jar" value="${env.JBOSS_DIST}}/../tomcat/lib/servlet.jar"/>
  |     <property name="src.dir" value="${basedir}"/>
  |     <property name="src.resources" value="${basedir}/resources"/>
  |     <property name="build.dir" value="${basedir}/build-examples"/>
  |     <property name="dist.dir" value="${basedir}/../../dist-examples"/>
  |     <path id="base.path_22">
  |         <pathelement location="${jboss.dist}/client/ejb.jar"/>
  |         <pathelement location="${jboss.dist}/client/jaas.jar"/>
  |         <pathelement location="${jboss.dist}/client/jbosssx-client.jar"/>
  |         <pathelement location="${jboss.dist}/client/jboss-client.jar"/>
  |         <pathelement location="${jboss.dist}/client/jnp-client.jar"/>
  |         <pathelement location="${servlet.jar}"/>
  |     </path>
  |     <path id="base.path_23">
  |         <pathelement location="${jboss.dist}/client/jboss-j2ee.jar"/>
  |         <pathelement location="${jboss.dist}/client/jaas.jar"/>
  |         <pathelement location="${jboss.dist}/client/jbosssx-client.jar"/>
  |         <pathelement location="${jboss.dist}/client/jboss-client.jar"/>
  |         <pathelement location="${jboss.dist}/client/jnp-client.jar"/>
  |         <pathelement location="${servlet.jar}"/>
  |     </path>
  |     <target name="validate">
  |         <available property="classpath_id" value="base.path_22" file="${jboss.dist}/client/ejb.jar" />
  |         <available property="classpath_id" value="base.path_23" file="${jboss.dist}/client/jboss-j2ee.jar" />
  |     </target>
  |     <target name="fail_if_not_valid" unless="classpath_id">
  |         <fail message="jboss.dist=${jboss.dist} is not a valid JBoss dist directory"/>
  |     </target>
  |     <target name="init" depends="validate,fail_if_not_valid">
  |         <property name="classpath" refid="${classpath_id}" />
  |         <echo message="Using JBoss directory=${jboss.dist}" />
  |         <echo message="Using base classpath=${classpath}" />
  |         <echo message="Using Source directory=${src.dir}" />
  |         <echo message="Using Build directory=${build.dir}" />
  |     </target>
  |     <!-- Clean build and dist -->
  |     <target name="clean" depends="init">
  |     	<delete dir="${build.dir}"/>
  |     	<delete dir="${dist.dir}"/>
  |     </target>
  | 	<!-- No default Target -->
  |     <target name="main" depends="init">
  | 		<echo message="Specify which target you want to run. Example: build cmp-cd-list" />
  |     </target>
  | 	<!-- Target to create files to store on the Web site -->
  |     <target name="dist" depends="clean">
  |     	<mkdir dir="${dist.dir}"/>
  |     	<!-- Bundle all the sources and build script in one file -->
  |     	<zip zipfile="${dist.dir}/documentation-example.zip" basedir="${src.dir}/../"
  |           includes="examples/**" />
  |       <tar tarfile="${dist.dir}/documentation-example.tar" basedir="${src.dir}/../"
  |           includes="examples/**" />
  |       <gzip src="${dist.dir}/documentation-example.tar" zipfile="${dist.dir}/documentation-example.tar.gz" />
  | 		<!-- Add Chapter specific files here 
  | 		<antcall target="cmp-cd-dist" />
  | 		-->
  |     </target>
  |     <!-- *************************************************************************** -->
  |     <!-- Chapter 1 - First Steps -->
  |     <target name="intro-interest-compile" depends="init">
  |         <ant antfile="org/jboss/docs/interest/build.xml" target="compile" />
  |     </target>
  |     <target name="intro-interest-jar" depends="init">
  |         <ant antfile="org/jboss/docs/interest/build.xml" target="ejb-jar" />
  |     </target>
  |     <target name="intro-interest-ear" depends="init">
  |         <ant antfile="org/jboss/docs/interest/build.xml" target="ear" />
  |     </target>
  |     <target name="intro-interest-deploy" depends="init">
  |         <ant antfile="org/jboss/docs/interest/build.xml" target="deploy-ejb-jar" />
  |     </target>
  |     <target name="intro-interest-client" depends="init">
  |         <ant antfile="org/jboss/docs/interest/build.xml" target="interest-client" />
  |     </target>
  | </project>

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