[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Problem while using email template of JBPM

shantanu.u do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue Dec 9 14:13:48 EST 2008


I'm getting a null pointer while using mail templates (mostly due to my config environment ). I'm trying to figure out what's missing.

Here are the relevant things :
1. hibernate.cfg.xml ,jbpm.mail.templates.xml, jbpm.cfg.xml , and my processdefinition.xml are in the same location ( inside the EAR )

2. jbpm.cfg.xml contains 

	<string name="resource.mail.templates" value="jbpm.mail.templates.xml" />

3. I know email sending works fine because I've been using it without the templates.

4. My template file contains :

  | <mail-template name="task-assign">
  |     <actors>#{taskInstance.actorId}</actors>
  |     <subject>Task '#{taskInstance.name}'</subject>
  |     <text><![CDATA[Hi,
  | 		blah blah
  | 	</text>
  |   </mail-template>
  |   <mail-template name="task-reminder">
  | 	...
  |   </mail-template>
  |   <mail-template name="mailToMgr">
  | 	...
  |   </mail-template> 

5. My process definition contains :

	<task-node name="taskNodeName" end-tasks="true">
  | 		<event type="node-enter">
  | 			<mail name="mailToMgr" to="someone at somecompany.com" template="jbpm.mail.templates.xml">
  | 			</mail>
  | 		</event>	
  | 		...
  |        </task-node>
6. When I run this, I get 
	Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
  | 		at org.jbpm.mail.Mail.send(Mail.java:103)

7. On debug of org.jbpm.mail.Mail, I get
		Method getMailTemplateProperties(templateName passed is "jbpm.mail.templates.xml")
  | 		mailTemplatesResource = "jbpm.mail.templates.xml"
  | 		mailTemplatesElement = [mail-templates: null]
  | 		mailTemplateElements = [[mail-template: null], [mail-template: null], [mail-template: null]]

* What could the problem be ?
* Also, how do I link my  tag with a specific <mail-template> ?
* Can I include html as part of email ?


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