[jboss-user] [JBoss Tools (users)] - Re: Unknown context variable name:

scatudal@gmail.com do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue Dec 16 14:17:35 EST 2008

It finally installed and now I get 337 warnings instead of 8. ;)

I get syntax error warnings on EL Stuff generated by seam-gen.  All attributes from variables coming from the "var" attribute of rich:dataTable are unresolved.  Context assist for those variables don't work.

here is an example:

  |         <rich:dataTable var="_addressType"
  |                    value="#{addressHome.instance.addressType}"
  |                 rendered="#{addressHome.instance.addressType != null}"
  |               rowClasses="rvgRowOne,rvgRowTwo"
  |                       id="addressTypeTable">
  |             <h:column>
  |                 <f:facet name="header">Id</f:facet>
  |                 <h:outputText value="#{_addressType.id}"/>
  |             </h:column>
  |             <h:column>
  |                 <f:facet name="header">Name</f:facet>
  |                 <h:outputText value="#{_addressType.name}"/>
  |             </h:column>
  |             <h:column styleClass="action">
  |                 <f:facet name="header">Action</f:facet>
  |                 <s:link id="viewaddressType"
  |                      value="View"
  |                       view="/AddressType.xhtml">
  |                     <f:param name="addressTypeId"
  |                            value="#{_addressType.id}"/>
  |                 </s:link>
  |             </h:column>
  |         </rich:dataTable>
The lines in blue are those of interest.

Note that this test project works fine when deployed.

Anyway, I guess I'll live with the few warnings that get duplicated every build.  I've lost all the time I could trying to tweak the IDE.

Thanks for your time,

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