[jboss-user] [JBoss Cache: Core Edition] - Need to move Jboss cache config to Spring - pls help
do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Dec 17 12:50:12 EST 2008
I am using JBC 3.0. My config looks as below. I need to move the config to Spring because I have to use the connection pooling object from some other Spring config or if I cant use the connection pooling object I will have to get the Database connection stuff(server:port user password) from some other Spring config and be able to create the cache object. Does anybody have any example to show how to do that
| <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
| <jbosscache xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
| xmlns="urn:jboss:jbosscache-core:config:3.0">
| <locking isolationLevel="REPEATABLE_READ" lockParentForChildInsertRemove="true" lockAcquisitionTimeout="15000" nodeLockingScheme="mvcc"/>
| <eviction wakeUpInterval="60000">
| <!-- Cache wide default -->
| <default algorithmClass="org.jboss.cache.eviction.LRUAlgorithm" eventQueueSize="200000">
| <attribute name="maxNodes">5000</attribute>
| <attribute name="timeToLive">1000000</attribute>
| </default>
| <region name="/root/cache" algorithmClass="org.jboss.cache.eviction.LRUAlgorithm" eventQueueSize="200000">
| <attribute name="maxNodes">5</attribute>
| <attribute name="timeToLive">1000</attribute>
| </region>
| </eviction>
| <loaders passivation="false" shared="true">
| <!-- if passivation is true, only the first cache loader is used; the rest are ignored -->
| <loader class="org.jboss.cache.loader.JDBCCacheLoader" async="true" fetchPersistentState="true"
| ignoreModifications="false" purgeOnStartup="false">
| <properties>
| cache.jdbc.table.name=jboss_cache
| cache.jdbc.table.create=false
| cache.jdbc.table.drop=false
| cache.jdbc.table.select=true
| cache.jdbc.table.primarykey=cache_id
| cache.jdbc.fqn.column=fqn
| cache.jdbc.fqn.type=varchar(255)
| cache.jdbc.node.column=node
| cache.jdbc.node.type=blob
| cache.jdbc.parent.column=parent
| cache.jdbc.parent.type=varchar(255)
| cache.jdbc.driver=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
| cache.jdbc.url=jdbc:mysql://CACHEDATABASE:3333/jboss_cache
| cache.jdbc.user=user
| cache.jdbc.password=password
| cache.jdbc.sql-concat=concat(1,2)
| c3p0.maxIdleTime=60
| c3p0.minPoolSize=0
| c3p0.maxPoolSize=40
| c3p0.checkoutTimeout=5000
| cache.jdbc.connection.factory=org.jboss.cache.loader.C3p0ConnectionFactory
| </properties>
| </loader>
| </loaders>
| </jbosscache>
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