[jboss-user] [Performance Tuning] - JBoss 4.05 memory issue

bakry do-not-reply at jboss.com
Sun Dec 21 11:07:18 EST 2008


I have a problem with jboss memory utilization, I am running one application with minimal hits (memory needs) on a 4.0.5 jboss server... here is the config of jboss >>

-Xms128m -Xmx1500m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m   -Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval=3600000 -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=3600000

the server start with 128 and keeps eating memory very fast till it reach 1 to 1.3 GB (which is not normal for my application needs).... anyway my issue is that total memory is very high while the server has high free memory... what I understand is that on garbage collector the server should shrink the heap and thus the total memory... 

here is the web-console display:

Free Memory: 771 MB

Max Memory: 1365 MB

Total Memory: 1344 MB

here is my memory pool view of the ServerInfo jmx bean:

Total Memory Pools: 5

    Pool: Code Cache (Non-heap memory)

        Peak Usage : init:1572864, used:31555520, committed:31621120, max:33554432
        Current Usage : init:1572864, used:31503104, committed:31621120, max:33554432

            |----------------------------------------------------------------| committed:30.16Mb
            |////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////| | max:32Mb
            |----------------------------------------------------------------| used:30.04Mb

    Pool: PS Eden Space (Heap memory)

        Peak Usage : init:34603008, used:411435008, committed:411435008, max:535560192
        Current Usage : init:34603008, used:20664872, committed:179044352, max:179044352

            |---------------------------------------------------------------------| committed:170.75Mb
            |//////// | max:170.75Mb
            |-------| used:19.71Mb

    Pool: PS Survivor Space (Heap memory)

        Peak Usage : init:5767168, used:178913200, committed:178913280, max:178913280
        Current Usage : init:5767168, used:33169288, committed:178913280, max:178913280

            |---------------------------------------------------------------------| committed:170.62Mb
            |//////////// | max:170.62Mb
            |-----------| used:31.63Mb

    Pool: PS Old Gen (Heap memory)

        Peak Usage : init:92274688, used:1073741664, committed:1073741824, max:1073741824
        Current Usage : init:92274688, used:674116608, committed:1073741824, max:1073741824

            |---------------------------------------------------------------------| committed:1Gb
            |/////////////////////////////////////////// | max:1Gb
            |------------------------------------------| used:642.89Mb

    Pool: PS Perm Gen (Non-heap memory)

        Peak Usage : init:16777216, used:141709616, committed:192937984, max:268435456
        Current Usage : init:16777216, used:81833240, committed:104857600, max:268435456

            |--------------------------| committed:100Mb
            |///////////////////// | | max:256Mb
            |--------------------| used:78.04Mb

is there any tuning parameters I could use to change this behavior, I get out of memory error every week.... 


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